Custom Query (199 matches)


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Results (101 - 199 of 199)

1 2
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#240 adjust wiki page task major python
#244 Perl install fails defect major rpm
#245 Provide os2-rpm package enhancement blocker rpm
#246 rpm: Fix symlinks to executables defect major rpm
#248 python spec defect major spec files
#251 openssh clients won't install defect major rpm
#252 LIBC PANIC!! - LIBC fork: when 'yum install docbook*' defect major rpm
#255 Os2tk45 defect major rpm
#256 os2-base Update Failure task minor rpm
#257 rpm 4.13.0 should require newer libcx defect major spec files
#264 Shared-mime-info not available defect major rpm
#265 brp-compress defect blocker rpm
#267 python: Piping via subprocess.Popen is broken defect major python
#269 wps-object.exe not in expected place (need update to rpm, but no version specified) defect major spec files
#273 Remove arcanoae-exp from netlabs-rel task major other
#275 python: Make subprocess use spawn instead of fork+exec enhancement major python
#276 python: thread start hangs defect major python
#277 Fix sys.executable detection defect major python
#280 python: Make subprocess.Popen thread-safe defect major rpm
#281 RPM Error when updating CUPS defect major rpm
#282 Error from Auto-update-debuginfo defect major yum
#289 rpm-cron- required crontab and logrotate defect major rpm
#299 python: Special BEGINLIBPATH processing is broken defect major python
#300 Non-blocking error when running yum update/yum install defect Feedback Pending rpm
#301 Install perl-CPANPLUS.noarch defect Feedback Pending rpm
#303 download-/installation error openssh defect minor rpm
#304 Missing dependency upgrading python via anpm on eCS2.1? defect major rpm
#308 os2-rpm should install wpi4rpm.exe in %PATH% and create symlinks elsewhere enhancement trivial spec files
#310 Perl install reports missing depedency defect major spec files
#314 Duplicate WarpIn database error defect minor other
#318 Dependency on missing package defect minor other
#319 ZIP adds volume information for wrong volume defect minor other
#322 man-db should require newer db4 defect major spec files
#325 createrepo 0.10.4-2 seems terribly broken (truncated metadata and bad behavior) defect major other
#326 python interactive help does not do CR/NL line endings. defect Feedback Pending python
#327 rpm: unable to install git-all due to dependency issues defect Feedback Pending rpm
#328 Python does not recognize OS/2 Chinese codepage (1386) defect major yum
#330 os2-base spec task major spec files
#331 Fluidsynth install fails defect blocker rpm
#332 libiconv-static refer to libiconv-devel even though there is none defect major rpm
#333 rpm 4.13.0 does not accept backslashes in paths defect major rpm
#335 tinyxml2 packaging isn't correct defect Feedback Pending other
#336 warpin-conflicts throws spurious error during package reinstall for dummy WarpIN entries defect major rpm
#337 os2tk45 packages should be in the Development group and not System Environment/Libraries defect trivial spec files
#338 Get an error when tryin to instll Libc and sq lite defect major rpm
#339 rpm: Is the '%os2_boot_drive' macro broken ? defect minor rpm
#342 python-dateutil requires python2-six, but this dependency is not listed in spec file defect trivial spec files
#344 Yum update does not pick up new packages defect minor yum
#346 Updating wget / libidn2 fails without netlabs-exp defect trivial rpm
#347 Dummy Warpin entries in *wrong* database - wpi4rpm error? defect major rpm
#349 Fehler bei Aktualisierung über Arca Noae Package Manager defect major rpm
#352 Updating QT5BASE defect major rpm
#353 rpmbuild error on %scm_source defect major rpm
#1 rpm: does not install locked files. Yuri Dario enhancement major rpm
#2 python: allow execution from different drives Yuri Dario defect minor python
#3 yum: create .exe wrapper Yuri Dario enhancement minor yum
#4 rpm: allow creation of wps objects Yuri Dario enhancement major rpm
#5 rpm: allow modification of config.sys Yuri Dario enhancement major rpm
#6 rpm: automatic requires clause for python/perl code Yuri Dario defect major rpm
#7 rpm: automatic requires clause for DLLs Yuri Dario enhancement minor rpm
#9 rpm: %pre fails installation Yuri Dario defect major rpm
#11 Consider adding SET PYTHONPATH to CONFIG.SYS Yuri Dario defect major python
#13 YUM CLEAN problems Yuri Dario defect major yum
#15 Bootstrap 1.3 tangle. Yuri Dario defect major rpm
#17 rpmbuild can't stand CRLF in .spec files Yuri Dario defect major rpm
#23 rpm: timestamps are not preserved when installing Yuri Dario defect major rpm
#26 GNU info/man build required to read documentation Yuri Dario task major other
#27 warpin-conflicts should use wic -p Yuri Dario defect major rpm
#31 yum reports WarpIn database locked/in-use when it is not Yuri Dario defect major rpm
#35 update no longer works Yuri Dario defect major rpm
#37 YUM UPDATE problem Yuri Dario defect major rpm
#38 Install yum without Internet connection Yuri Dario task major yum
#42 Python 2.7 causes YUM to fail Yuri Dario defect major python
#45 gcc-supc++-shared-library still unnecessarily listed as its own requirement Yuri Dario defect trivial yum
#50 Bootstrap error Yuri Dario defect major rpm
#52 wrong dependency for python executable (wrong directory) in python-tools Yuri Dario defect major rpm
#53 gawk does not install: error in rpm-cpio Yuri Dario defect critical rpm
#58 WarpIn package: UNIXROOT error when already set correctly (?) Yuri Dario defect minor rpm
#60 yum no update libodin 0.8.9 Yuri Dario defect minor yum
#144 Ghostscript needs png16.dll and won't install Yuri Dario defect major rpm
#172 hard links detected (was: yum install perl fails) Yuri Dario defect blocker rpm
#178 YUM Update libvncserver fails Yuri Dario defect major rpm
#101 Need to update wiki to reflect newer build of bootstrap package Lewis Rosenthal task minor other
#224 Project URL needs correcting in wpi4rpm SPEC herwigb defect trivial spec files
#215 git am no longer works dmik defect major other
#241 lua support in rpm dmik enhancement critical rpm
#77 'No module named urlgrabber' after 'yum update python' Silvan Scherrer defect major yum
#198 Cannot run yum when logged onto non-writable volume or volume not supporting long filenames Silvan Scherrer defect Feedback Pending python
#216 Ncftp v3.2.6 Lpage Silvan Scherrer defect major rpm
#217 Ncftp v3.2.6 Bookmarks Silvan Scherrer defect major rpm
#218 Ncftp v3.2.6 Case sensitivity. Silvan Scherrer defect major rpm
#220 Provide virtual WPI to satisfy dependencies (uclip) Silvan Scherrer enhancement major spec files
#292 can't install cmake-doc Silvan Scherrer defect major spec files
#302 I have updated WRC to work with rc files containing the WIDOW keyword I would like to get the RPM updated Silvan Scherrer task minor rpm
#306 klusrmgr Silvan Scherrer defect major rpm
#307 download-/installation error openssl Silvan Scherrer defect major rpm
#340 os2-base insists upon modifying C:\CONFIG.SYS rather than os2_boot_drive CONFIG.SYS Silvan Scherrer defect major rpm
#274 Reformat output strings from included scripts to be caught by third-party tools more easily HerwigB enhancement Feedback Pending rpm
#34 yum update fails (looks like download fails) David Burtness defect major yum
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