Opened 14 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#4 closed enhancement (fixed)

rpm: allow creation of wps objects

Reported by: Yuri Dario Owned by: Yuri Dario
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: rpm Version:
Severity: Keywords:


RPM requires a new post install hook, able to create WPS objects. Using a rexx script to parse a response file or accept a setup string should work.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Yuri Dario, 14 years ago

(changeset:51) first implementation of WPS support.

Object can be created using a %post script:

%wps_object_create WPFolder $ RPM Folder $ WP_DESKTOP $ "OBJECTID=#lt#RPM_FOLDER#gt#;TITLE=Hello World" $ update

and removed one by one with

%wps_object_delete RPM_FOLDER

or all at once with


Objects are cached into a file %UNIXROOT%\var\cache\rpm_wps\{name} to allow users to recreate lost objects.

comment:2 by Yuri Dario, 14 years ago

2010-11-08 changeset:91 rpm: new macros for WPS object handling, courtesy of Dmitry A. Kuminov.

comment:3 by Yuri Dario, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

New macros in changeset:91 for WPS handling:

# Macros to handle creation/deletion of WPS objects from %post* sections.
# There are four single macros:
# %wps_object_create OBJECTID:SPECIFICATION
# %wps_object_create_batch < FILE
# %wps_object_delete OBJECTID
# %wps_object_delete_all
# And a pair of begin-end macros:
# %wps_object_create_begin
# ...
# %wps_object_create_end
# All macros (except %wps_object_create_end) accept the -n option that
# specifies the full package name (defaults to %{name}). The -n option
# must be always used for subpackages as there is no way to detect the
# subpackage name automatically.
# OBJECTID is an object identifier (w/o angle brackets). SPECIFICATION is
# a string that describes the properties of the object to create and has
# the following format:
# Each component of this format string directly corresponds to the
# respective argument of the SysCreateObject REXX function. Refer to
# to the REXX reference manual for details.. Note that when OPTION is not
# specified, U (update) mode is used by default.
# FILE is a text file used to create multiple objects at once: each line
# in this file is an object ID followed by the specification (as described
# above except that no quotes needed), like this:
# The pair of begin-end macrs serves for the same purpose but doesn't require
# an external file (see below for an example).
# The indirect FILE or begin-end form is preferred and even required if one
# of the object parameters contains a double forward slash (e.g. 'http://foo')
# because otherwise the Classic REXX interpreter will treat it as a start of
# the comment block and fail.
# Note that RPM tracks reference counting for each created object so you
# may e.g. share a single WPS folder among several packages -- by creating a
# folder with the same object ID in each package's %post section and
# deleting it in its %postun section -- the folder will be actually removed
# from the desktop only when the last package that creates it gets
# uninstalled.
# Note also that each object is automatically associated with the package
# it is created for so that %wps_object_delete_all knows what objects
# to delete when you call it from %postun.
# Some object parameters (the LOCATION string or parts of the SETUP string such
# as EXENAME) require valid OS/2 path strings as values, with back slashes
# instead of forward slashes and @unixroot expanded to a full path. You may
# cause this expansion by enclosing the respective part of the string in double
# parenthesis. Note that double parenthesis may not be nested.
# Examples:
# %post
# ...
# # create objects one by one...
# %wps_object_create MYAPP_FOLDER:WPFolder|My App %{version}|<WP_DESKTOP>
# %wps_object_create MYAPP_EXE:WPProgram|My App|<MYAPP_FOLDER>|EXENAME=((${_bindir}/myapp.exe))
# # ...or all at once
# %wps_object_create_begin
# %wps_object_create_end
# %postun
# ...
# # delete all objects created for this package with wps_object_create*
# %wps_object_delete_all
# # create objects for the subpackage 'sub'
# %post sub
# %wps_object_create -n %{name}-sub MYAPP_EXE:WPProgram|My Sub App|<MYAPP_FOLDER>|EXENAME=((${_bindir}/mysubapp.exe))
# # delete objects for the subpackage 'sub'
# %postun sub
# %wps_object_delete_all -n %{name}-sub

%wps_object_create(n:) /@unixroot/usr/lib/rpm/wps-object.exe /create %{!-n:%{name}}%{-n:%{-n*}} "%{*}"\

%wps_object_create_batch(n:) /@unixroot/usr/lib/rpm/wps-object.exe /create %{!-n:%{name}}%{-n:%{-n*}} %{*}\

%wps_object_delete(n:) /@unixroot/usr/lib/rpm/wps-object.exe /delete %{!-n:%{name}}%{-n:%{-n*}} "%{*}"\

%wps_object_delete_all(n:) /@unixroot/usr/lib/rpm/wps-object.exe /deleteall %{!-n:%{name}}%{-n:%{-n*}}\

%wps_object_create_begin(n:) /@unixroot/usr/lib/rpm/wps-object.exe /create %{!-n:%{name}}%{-n:%{-n*}} <<'EOF'\

%wps_object_create_end EOF\

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