Custom Query (475 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 475)

1 2 3 4 5
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#117 Quicklist drives box does not show all drives Gregg Young defect blocker Release_3.6 fm/2 base
#135 Seek and scan may crash when searching EAs Steven Levine defect blocker Release_3.7 fm/2 base
#24 Repeated hangs with FM2 requiring reboot StevenHL defect critical Release_3.7 fm/2 base
#119 Fix crash on drag from nonFM2 source Gregg Young defect critical Release_3.6 fm/2 base
#121 Document open watcom change in readme and inf Gregg Young task critical Release_3.6 fm/2 base
#125 SYS3175 when accessing subdirectory of removable USB drive (camera) Gregg Young defect critical Release_3.7 fm/2 base
#149 Change to DosSleep(0) or eliminate DosSleep(1) on inner loops for file loading defect critical Release_3.7 fm/2 base
#174 Inifile Viewer/editor broken since 3.06 - mutilating display data, truncating edit data Gregg Young defect critical Release_3.9 fm/2 base
#402 Trap in GBM.dll when double clicking and exe or wpi file Gregg Young defect critical Release_3.20 fm/2 base
#468 Regular Traps with version 3.19 Gregg Young defect critical Release_3.19.1 fm/2 base
#500 Address the issue of high-memory traps John Small defect critical Release_3.22 fm/2 base
#4 Update assocation logic to allow multiple dots and longer extensions Gregg Young task major Release_3.8 fm/2 base
#6 Consolidate messages etc to facilitate adding NLS support Steven Levine task major Release_3.16 fm/2 base
#10 Create a warpin installer for FM2 dwgras,jsmall enhancement major Release_3.5.9 fm/2 base
#25 Move long scans to secondary threads Gregg Young enhancement major Release_3.14 fm/2 base
#26 Add exceptq support Steven Levine enhancement major Release_3.15 fm/2 base
#33 Convert fm/2 build sytem to Open Watcom stevenhl,gyoung task major Release_3.6 fm/2 base
#34 Add config selection to make extract with paths default Gregg Young task major Release_3.05_beta7 fm/2 base
#50 Moving massive amounts of files via drap&drop eventually fails Steven Levine defect major Release_3.5.9 fm/2 base
#52 Optimize memory use for large numbers of files >15,000-20,000 defect major Release_3.7 fm/2 base
#59 Drive container is scanned on no prescan drive if open when FM/2 is closed Gregg Young defect major Release_3.5.8 fm/2 base
#60 Add ability to remember custom combination of search flags in seek and scan files Gregg Young enhancement major Release_3.05_beta7 fm/2 base
#63 User bitmaps with more than 16 colors in their palette fail to load in toolbar StevenHL defect major Release_3.05_beta7 fm/2 base
#64 Replace command should leave the commands at the same position in the command list Gregg Young defect major Release_3.5.9 fm/2 base
#67 Make directory menu is gone Gregg Young defect major Release_3.5.8 fm/2 base
#77 Closing Dialog after viewing file EA causes SYS3175 Steven Levine defect major Release_3.5.9 fm/2 base
#78 Add function SelectDriveIcon to streamline code Gregg Young task major Release_3.5.8 fm/2 base
#96 Remove GetPString from WinCreateWindow & WinRegisterClass calls Gregg Young defect major Release_3.5.9 fm/2 base
#107 Implement release validation tool John Small task major Release_3.13 fm/2 base
#113 Create a CheckWinOwner to determine FM2 windows (PID) and optionally thread Gregg Young defect major Release_3.6 fm/2 base
#118 "Show subjects" config setting not remembered John Small defect major Release_3.7 fm/2 base
#128 Enviroment check for WORKPLACE_PROCESS isn't processed correctly Gregg Young defect major Release_3.6 fm/2 base
#130 Convert to OpenWatcom Warp Toolkit Gregg Young enhancement major Release_3.7 fm/2 base
#131 Switch to OpenWatcom wrc.exe Steven Levine enhancement major Release_3.9 fm/2 base
#138 Increase findbuf to speed file loading Gregg Young enhancement major Release_3.7 fm/2 base
#144 seek and scan crashes when accessing file with path names exceeding maxpath Gregg Young defect major Release_3.8 fm/2 base
#151 Allow the subject column width to be user settable and it to be movable between the right and left panes enhancement major Release_3.7 fm/2 base
#152 Fast internal viewer fails defect major Release_3.7 fm/2 base
#154 Trap caused by FM/2 being on a full disk Gregg Young defect major Release_3.13 fm/2 base
#156 Opening multiple instances of FM/2 brings up a readonly attribute error message defect major Release_3.7 fm/2 base
#159 Trap when opening file in fastviewer if file is located on NTFS drive. defect major Release_3.8 fm/2 base
#163 Investigate probable race condition in ReLineThread in Newview.c Steven Levine defect major Release_3.14 fm/2 base
#166 Add DosQuerySysState as option; fix crash caused by DosQProcStatus defect major Release_3.8 fm/2 base
#175 Hex formatting of binary data does not always show all data defect major Release_3.9 fm/2 base
#187 Refactor fm3dll.h into separate .h files - ongoing John Small task major Release_3.14 fm/2 base
#189 Avoid closing os2.ini and os2sys.ini Steven Levine defect major Release_3.9 fm/2 base
#192 system.c::CheckApp_QuoteAddExe returns data on the stack Gregg Young defect major Release_3.10 fm/2 base
#250 Delete to trashscan needs to bypass volumes that don't support the trashcan Gregg Young defect major Release_3.13 fm/2 base
#260 New buttons in toolboxes not saved if toolbox is changed before exit reopen defect major Release_3.13 fm/2 base
#286 NormalizeCommandLine DosFindFirst missing DosFindClose Gregg Young defect major Release_3.14 fm/2 base
#289 NormalizeCmdLine doesn't search PATH for cmd, bat & bmt files or check these when no extension is provided Gregg Young defect major Release_3.14 fm/2 base
#302 Progress indicators when copying or moving files and/or directories Steven Levine enhancement major Release_3.17 fm/2 base
#340 Replace fm3res.str with stringtables Steven Levine enhancement major Release_3.16 fm/2 base
#416 Content from clipboard not 'pastable' into command window Gregg Young defect major Release_3.18 fm/2 base
#448 Avoid traps in Collector when directory contains more than 65K files Steven Levine defect major Release_3.19 fm/2 base
#461 Collector can trap when duplicates are dragged into collector container defect major Release_3.19.1 fm/2 base
#467 broken EA editor Gregg Young defect major Release_3.19.1 AddOns
#496 Double clicking on extension-less file causes "Access violation" trap Gregg Young defect major Release_3.22 fm/2 base
#506 Readonly check on delete doesn't honor user choices and doesn't check for readonly if delete is move to trashcan Gregg Young defect major Release_3.22 fm/2 base
#507 Delete = move to trashcan doesn't work if the trashcan drives key hasn't been writen to OS2.INI Gregg Young defect major Release_3.22 fm/2 base
#509 Trap when accessing commands from the command drop down box Gregg Young defect major Release_3.22 fm/2 base
#522 High memory: Ensure no "highmem-unsafe" functions are called directly. John Small defect major Release_3.24 fm/2 base
#528 Slow initial drive scans caused by releasing the tree container lock out too early Gregg Young defect major Release_3.22 fm/2 base
#551 Heap corruption on rescan while scan is running Gregg Young defect major Release_3.24 fm/2 base
#564 Modify tree expand/collapse code for FleshWorkThread Gregg Young defect major Release_3.24 fm/2 base
#565 Modify tree switch code to work with FleshWorkThread Gregg Young defect major Release_3.24 fm/2 base
#566 Stop Stubby from inserting container items with NullStr filenames Gregg Young defect major Release_3.24 fm/2 base
#2 Fix progress indicators so they update appropriately Steven Levine defect minor Release_3.14 fm/2 base
#3 Allow different colors in multiple directory containers to be saved across restarts Gregg Young enhancement minor Release_3.10 fm/2 base
#5 Add common functions to format and parse pathnames and numbers. task minor Release_3.7 fm/2 base
#7 get bubble help working for the menu bitmaps in the collector and archive container Gregg Young enhancement minor Release_3.10 fm/2 base
#8 Sort on Filename when searching for duplicates Gregg Young enhancement minor Release_3.21 AddOns
#9 Move all extract options to main (top level) menu in archive viewer Gregg Young task minor Release_3.05_beta7 fm/2 base
#12 Add unlock to toolbars Gregg Young enhancement minor Release_3.21 fm/2 base
#13 Place drive letters over bitmaps in drive bar Gregg Young enhancement minor Release_3.17 fm/2 base
#19 Update installer to optionally overwrite existing text config files dwgras enhancement minor Release_3.5.9 fm/2 base
#20 Use TMP directory for FM2 temp files Gregg Young enhancement minor Release_3.12 fm/2 base
#21 Allow archiver editor to open an appropriate archive file as template Gregg Young enhancement minor Release_3.22 Documentation
#22 Have archiver create a directory from archive file name for unarchive Gregg Young enhancement minor Release_3.15 fm/2 base
#23 Unzip directory removed from config if directory not available at initial scan Gregg Young defect minor Release_3.9 fm/2 base
#28 Add better locale support Gregg Young enhancement minor Release_3.16 fm/2 base
#32 Add NTFS file system support Gregg Young enhancement minor Release_3.5.8 fm/2 base
#35 Improve the mask message in the extract dialog Gregg Young task minor Release_3.05_beta7 fm/2 base
#36 Add a partition manager tools page to settings notebook Gregg Young enhancement minor Release_3.15 fm/2 base
#37 toolbar and other menu options to create a program java object Gregg Young enhancement minor Release_3.23 fm/2 base
#39 Add additional drive style/color icons to tree and bar Gregg Young enhancement minor Release_3.5.8 fm/2 base
#41 Support file sizes over 4 gb enhancement minor Release_3.8 fm/2 base
#43 Allow "delete" to be move to trashcan Gregg Young enhancement minor Release_3.11 fm/2 base
#47 Option to list drive label along side of the drive letter in the drive tree Gregg Young enhancement minor Release_3.17 fm/2 base
#48 Immediate drive object (letter) updates. Gregg Young enhancement minor Release_3.15 fm/2 base
#49 Compare directory window does not remember size and position Gregg Young defect minor Release_3.10 fm/2 base
#54 Provide a refresh removable drive option on misc menu Gregg Young enhancement minor Release_3.15 fm/2 base
#55 Change to Doxygen (javadoc) code commenting Gregg Young task minor Release_3.21 Documentation
#57 Editing of Drive flag should be allowed for not ready drives Gregg Young task minor Release_3.05_beta7 fm/2 base
#58 System hangs when serially opening multiple files for viewing from an archive Steven Levine defect minor Release_3.14 fm/2 base
#61 Replace Helv font with Helvetica font move fonts to string file Gregg Young task minor Release_3.5.8 fm/2 base
#62 FM/2 fails to recognize the following extensions correctly as to what type file Gregg Young enhancement minor Release_3.5.8 fm/2 base
#65 Split user added commands association, toolbar entries from FM2 base entries Gregg Young enhancement minor Release_3.21 fm/2 base
#70 Zero-byte files open as Multimedia files Gregg Young defect minor Release_3.18 fm/2 base
#72 Clean up indenting of source files Gregg Young task minor Release_3.5.8 fm/2 base
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Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.