Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 344)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#12 ClamAV install Incomplete? Yuri Dario defect major clamav
#16 pthread.dll not installed defect major other
#21 Libc header conflict with db.h and libintl.h defect major other
#26 GNU info/man build required to read documentation Yuri Dario task major other
#40 Install libicu? defect trivial other
#41 Missing packages for building kLibC enhancement trivial other
#43 Can't upgrade libc-devel to 0.6.5 after binutils-devel 2.21 defect minor other
#46 installation script of cups-base-1_4_8.wpi uses wrong LIBPATH defect major other
#47 pdftops does not work: can not print pdfs defect major other
#48 git pull can not find message file defect major other
#49 cpio can not stat files. defect critical other
#61 Add source rpm repo enhancement minor other
#69 Trap in gcc473.dll (yum: Python error and general qt4gui.dll loading error) after update defect major other
#94 rpm for different devtools task minor other
#101 Need to update wiki to reflect newer build of bootstrap package Lewis Rosenthal task minor other
#103 libc-devel 0.6.6 ansidecl.h conflicts with version in binutils-devel 2.21-1 task minor other
#110 corrupted defect minor other
#111 Broken rpm setup, wrong GCC? defect Feedback Pending other
#112 os2.lib is missing SafeWinUpper symbol defect major other
#114 urlgrabber 3.10.1 should reference /@unixroot instead of D: defect trivial other
#120 png16.dll is incorrectly named png1616.dll in libpng-1.6.14-1 defect minor other
#124 os2-base-hfs 0.0.0-10 has typo in description defect trivial other
#126 poppler-data and poppler-data-devel packages have no group tag task Feedback Pending other
#129 is broken defect major other
#133 /@unixroot/usr/include/paths.h is wrong defect major other
#186 No DPATH directory provided in rpm/yum environment for language files defect major other
#208 kLIBCum button label issue defect trivial other
#210 Move libjpeg 8d to stable repo (needed by poppler 0.49.0) defect major other
#212 (CUPS) lpinfo -m returns error defect Feedback Pending other
#213 Ncftp v3.2.6 defect major other
#214 Consider installing OMF type import libs along side aout style ones. enhancement major other
#215 git am no longer works dmik defect major other
#225 wpi4rpm needs to allow specifying of vendor and package defect major other
#226 wpi4rpm needs better error handling for commandline options defect minor other
#266 Error in update LIBODIN to version 0.9.0 defect Feedback Pending other
#273 Remove arcanoae-exp from netlabs-rel task major other
#283 lxlite install yields a nonworking lxlite defect minor other
#309 Broken openssh-clients package? defect major other
#311 zip failss in ArcaOS defect Feedback Pending other
#313 Issues with IBM OS/2 DEVELOPER'S TOOLKIT task Feedback Pending other
#314 Duplicate WarpIn database error defect minor other
#318 Dependency on missing package defect minor other
#319 ZIP adds volume information for wrong volume defect minor other
#325 createrepo 0.10.4-2 seems terribly broken (truncated metadata and bad behavior) defect major other
#335 tinyxml2 packaging isn't correct defect Feedback Pending other
#345 ANPM gives missing prerequisite message defect Feedback Pending other
#2 python: allow execution from different drives Yuri Dario defect minor python
#11 Consider adding SET PYTHONPATH to CONFIG.SYS Yuri Dario defect major python
#32 LIBC PANIC!! when installing clamav Yuri Dario defect major python
#42 Python 2.7 causes YUM to fail Yuri Dario defect major python
#44 Mercurial no longer works with https Yuri Dario defect Feedback Pending python
#65 yum shell hangs defect major python
#70 python: Update to 2.7 task major python
#71 python: X:/USR is returned instead of /@unixroot/usr defect Feedback Pending python
#89 python: (2.7.6) missing unittest defect Feedback Pending python
#90 python: (2.7.6) problem determining filesystem encoding Yuri Dario defect Feedback Pending python
#91 python: (2.7.6) trouble with SSL (to access repo from https) defect major python
#96 Running Python while VRXEDIT.EXE is running causes hang defect major python
#122 python2.7 crash with yum update defect major python
#136 python 2.7.6 loses pipe output. dmik defect major python
#140 python: Implement ctypes module task major python
#141 python: subprocess.Popen (shell=True) fails defect major python
#147 tkinter working? defect major python
#148 python: os.popen doesn't accept backslashes defect major python
#150 python: deal with reverse /@unixroot replacement defect major python
#171 python/yum doesn't find module site defect blocker python
#182 Build python with --enable-unicode[=ucs[24]] task major python
#185 Python and long dll/pyd names defect major python
#187 Scribus fails with Python error defect major python
#191 python subprocess.Popen() defect critical python
#197 libxml2-python 2.7.7-6 lacks symlink for libxml2mod.pyd defect minor python
#198 Cannot run yum when logged onto non-writable volume or volume not supporting long filenames Silvan Scherrer defect Feedback Pending python
#229 rpm: Make brp-compress work on OS/2 defect major python
#232 rpm: Auto setup macros for SCM-hosted sources enhancement major python
#238 python enhancement major python
#240 adjust wiki page task major python
#250 Multiple RPM package updates fail with SIGSEGV in PYTHON.EXE defect Feedback Pending python
#267 python: Piping via subprocess.Popen is broken defect major python
#275 python: Make subprocess use spawn instead of fork+exec enhancement major python
#276 python: thread start hangs defect major python
#277 Fix sys.executable detection defect major python
#278 python: subprocess: Provide optional fork mode for Popen enhancement major python
#298 CSTRINGIO.PYD cannot be loaded (dlopen rc=123) defect major python
#299 python: Special BEGINLIBPATH processing is broken defect major python
#326 python interactive help does not do CR/NL line endings. defect Feedback Pending python
#348 Unable to install new or update via ANPM/YUM defect major python
#1 rpm: does not install locked files. Yuri Dario enhancement major rpm
#4 rpm: allow creation of wps objects Yuri Dario enhancement major rpm
#5 rpm: allow modification of config.sys Yuri Dario enhancement major rpm
#6 rpm: automatic requires clause for python/perl code Yuri Dario defect major rpm
#7 rpm: automatic requires clause for DLLs Yuri Dario enhancement minor rpm
#9 rpm: %pre fails installation Yuri Dario defect major rpm
#15 Bootstrap 1.3 tangle. Yuri Dario defect major rpm
#17 rpmbuild can't stand CRLF in .spec files Yuri Dario defect major rpm
#18 Provide CUBE replacement Yuri Dario task major rpm
#19 Provide CUBE replacement Yuri Dario task major rpm
#20 Use %TMP% for bootstrap package Yuri Dario defect minor rpm
#22 Autodetect dependencies on %wps_* and %warpin_conflicts_* macros Yuri Dario defect major rpm
#23 rpm: timestamps are not preserved when installing Yuri Dario defect major rpm
#27 warpin-conflicts should use wic -p Yuri Dario defect major rpm
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