Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#84 qpdfview-0_4_10-ga - crash when opening a .pdf or Settings dialog defect major qpdfview
#94 qpdf 0.4.13 defect Feedback Pending qtapps
#76 Will not render pdf - No text V0.4.9 defect Feedback Pending qtapps
#117 SMTube does not connect defect major smplayer
#83 Qt apps - Symphytm 1.2 defect major qtapps
#89 QTbrowsers no longer work with https defect major qtapps
#85 QPDFView version defect Feedback Pending qtapps
#103 QPDFVIEW and CUPS defect major qtapps
#95 Problem using QPDFVIEW with a PDF file Silvan Scherrer task minor qtapps
#62 PSI crash defect Feedback Pending psi
#106 IndexError: pop from empty list dmik defect Feedback Pending [general]
#107 CoolReader 3.1.2 no translations for DE, ES, PL defect major qtapps
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.