Custom Query (21 matches)


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Status: closed (21 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#315 acpideamon pasha enhancement major 3.11 fixed
#264 "No Battery" after update to ACPI 3.10 / APM 1.25 pasha defect major 3.10 fixed
#267 Notebook Lenovo T61 boot hangs with ACPI 3.10 pasha defect major 3.11 fixed
#269 Shutdown, eComStation 2.0 RC5 is broken pasha defect major 3.10 fixed
#282 Dell Inspiron 9300 locks at boot loading helperw.exe pasha defect major 3.10 fixed
#288 hang T61 at screen01.sys w/ acpi v3.10 pasha defect major 3.10 fixed
#292 ASUS P5BN, Core 2 Duo pasha defect major 3.10 fixed
#295 Battery, T61 - no battery pasha defect major 3.10 fixed
#296 ACPI 3.10, notebook/barebon goes crazy pasha defect major 3.10 fixed
#298 Check logs, FujitsuSiemens ESPRIMO pasha defect major 3.11 fixed
#310 ASUS P5K, doesn't work in SMP APIC pasha defect major 3.11 fixed
#316 ASUS EeePC 1000H pasha defect major 3.11 fixed
#318 EmperoarTV hangs with ACPI 3.11 pasha defect major 3.11 fixed
#319 EmperoarTV hangs with ACPI 3.11 pasha defect major 3.11 fixed
#321 ACPI Tools does not work with ACPI 3.12 pasha defect major 3.11 fixed
#322 Fujitsu-Siemens troubles pasha defect major 3.11 fixed
#325 ASUS EeePC 901, check my logs pasha defect major 3.11 fixed
#326 Dell 1525, check my logs pasha defect major 3.13 fixed
#328 ASUS T3 barebone, check my logs pasha defect major 3.13 fixed
#329 Thinkpad T61 won't enter suspend pasha defect major 3.11 fixed
#342 Shutdown, eComStation 2.0 RC6a pasha defect major 3.14 fixed
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