Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (301 - 344 of 344)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#211 kLIBCum: do not include VROBJEX enhancement major rpm
#214 Consider installing OMF type import libs along side aout style ones. enhancement major other
#220 Provide virtual WPI to satisfy dependencies (uclip) Silvan Scherrer enhancement major spec files
#221 Add yum-plugin-replace to available yum plugins enhancement major yum
#228 rpm: Add legacy runtime packages support enhancement major rpm
#232 rpm: Auto setup macros for SCM-hosted sources enhancement major python
#233 rpmbuild-bot: Add commit command enhancement major rpmbuild-bot
#234 rpmbuild-bot: Add auto cleanup of old packages enhancement major rpmbuild-bot
#237 Use an OS/2 friendly version of which.exe enhancement minor rpm
#238 python enhancement major python
#241 lua support in rpm dmik enhancement critical rpm
#245 Provide os2-rpm package enhancement blocker rpm
#258 Build an updated QtNet4.dll package enhancement major rpm
#259 Finer granularity for OS/2 DLL dependency generator enhancement major rpm
#263 Provide a GUI widget reminding about a reboot enhancement major rpm
#274 Reformat output strings from included scripts to be caught by third-party tools more easily HerwigB enhancement Feedback Pending rpm
#275 python: Make subprocess use spawn instead of fork+exec enhancement major python
#278 python: subprocess: Provide optional fork mode for Popen enhancement major python
#308 os2-rpm should install wpi4rpm.exe in %PATH% and create symlinks elsewhere enhancement trivial spec files
#323 Consider setting sane value for INFOPATH in postin scriptlet enhancement Feedback Pending spec files
#18 Provide CUBE replacement Yuri Dario task major rpm
#19 Provide CUBE replacement Yuri Dario task major rpm
#26 GNU info/man build required to read documentation Yuri Dario task major other
#38 Install yum without Internet connection Yuri Dario task major yum
#70 python: Update to 2.7 task major python
#94 rpm for different devtools task minor other
#101 Need to update wiki to reflect newer build of bootstrap package Lewis Rosenthal task minor other
#103 libc-devel 0.6.6 ansidecl.h conflicts with version in binutils-devel 2.21-1 task minor other
#104 Group tag standardization Lewis Rosenthal task Feedback Pending rpm
#126 poppler-data and poppler-data-devel packages have no group tag task Feedback Pending other
#140 python: Implement ctypes module task major python
#151 Drop i386 support task major rpm
#158 Build bootstrap WPI files for i686 and p4 arch task minor yum
#166 coexisting packages / legacy packages task critical spec files
#182 Build python with --enable-unicode[=ucs[24]] task major python
#194 ExceptQ needs updating task minor rpm
#195 Need updated urpo-debug package (20160630-12) task trivial rpm
#240 adjust wiki page task major python
#247 rpm: Add %download_sources macro task major rpm
#256 os2-base Update Failure task minor rpm
#273 Remove arcanoae-exp from netlabs-rel task major other
#302 I have updated WRC to work with rc files containing the WIDOW keyword I would like to get the RPM updated Silvan Scherrer task minor rpm
#313 Issues with IBM OS/2 DEVELOPER'S TOOLKIT task Feedback Pending other
#330 os2-base spec task major spec files
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