Opened 9 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#158 closed task (no change needed)

Build bootstrap WPI files for i686 and p4 arch

Reported by: Lewis Rosenthal Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: yum Version:
Severity: low Keywords:
Cc: Dave Yeo, Yuri Dario


I have these built and ready for review:

Updates to 1.5 build:

  1. Added gcc1.dll and forwarders to bootstrap.
  2. Added libc066.dll to bootstrap.
  3. Added libgcc1 and libgcc-fwd packages.
  4. Updated dependency on libc066 in WIS (for gcc1).
  5. Updated netlabs-rel rpm to current.
  6. Adjusted platform file (for i686).
  7. Updated installer to push (rpm -U) libgcc1 and libgcc-fwd before the yum process begins (could not get libgcc-fwd to install later in the process).
  8. Updated ReadMe, keeping references to Yuri's site. ;-)
  9. Incremented minor version number.

This is related to ticket #151.

Attachments (1) (74.6 KB ) - added by Yuri Dario 9 years ago.
Bootstrap builder

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (5)

comment:1 by Silvan Scherrer, 9 years ago

what bootstrap is ANPM downloading? If it's your version 1.6 I consider this done and to be closed.

Any objections?

by Yuri Dario, 9 years ago

Attachment: added

Bootstrap builder

comment:2 by Yuri Dario, 9 years ago

Since I already lost the files in the past, I'm attaching the minimal set of files to build a new bootstrap archive.

BE AWARE that running this script will modify your local CONFIG.SYS

I think this is not the best way to install the code.

Probably a very simple script that asks for unixroot drive and platform selection is a lot better. This script then just needs to unpack the files, run 'yum install yum' and delete itself at the end.
All packaged into a self extracting exe.

comment:3 by Lewis Rosenthal, 9 years ago

Sorry, I missed the email for comment:1 when it came in.

ANPM simply asks the user for the location of the new @unixroot, then downloads a file which contains the uri of the latest zipped bootstrap, downloads that, and extracts to @unixroot, prompting to reboot after updating CONFIG.SYS. We don't use WarpIN for that at all.

I will rebuild the above WPIs with the updated script.

What we don't yet do with ANPM is query the system (or the user) for the proper arch. Instead, we settle on i686. This is a feature to be added going forward.

comment:4 by Silvan Scherrer, 8 years ago

Resolution: no change needed
Status: newclosed

as we recommend ANPM to all new yum/rpm users, we will not provide any new wpi. So I close this for now.

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