Custom Query (185 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 185)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2 Convert cvs to svn bird defect highest libc-0.6 libc
#4 shmat wrong return code bird defect normal libc-0.6 libc
#7 emxomf: 255 name limit and weak symbols bird defect normal libc-0.6 emx
#8 libc: fcntl(F_SETFL) w/ O_NONBLOCK on sockets bird defect high libc-0.6 libc-backend
#15 Duplicate definition of setkey bird defect high libc-0.6 libc
#19 gcc: gcc limits.h overrides limits.h from libc bird defect high libc-0.6.1 gcc
#20 libc: random panic SIGSEGV when doing parallel builds bird defect highest libc-0.6.1 libc
#21 libc: limit Unix EAs to specific file systems bird defect normal libc-0.6.1 libc
#22 libc: path resolver fails on open file bird defect high libc-0.6.1 libc
#23 libc: symlink is broken bird defect high libc-0.6.1 libc
#24 libc: fts crashes because it's still using chdir() bird defect normal libc-0.6.1 libc-frontend
#27 ld bug when map files are requested bird defect normal libc-0.6.1 emx
#28 emxbind doesn't read library name from .def file bird defect normal libc-0.6.1 emx
#30 setlocale / ctype is broken. bird defect normal libc-0.6.1 libc
#32 libc: readdir_r returns -1 instead of errno bird defect normal libc-0.6.1 libc-frontend
#33 libc: panic when using timers bird defect normal libc-0.6.1 libc
#34 weakld: generate duplicate weak aliases bird defect highest libc-0.6.1 emx
#36 emxbind: export truncation bug and allow export & imports up to 255 chars bird defect normal libc-0.6.1 emx
#37 export for symbols longer than 255 chars bird defect normal libc-0.6.4 emx
#40 libc: open("/", RDONLY) fails. bird defect normal libc-0.6.1 libc-backend
#41 libc: incorrect __libc_back_fsUnixAttribsGet() usage caused st_dev and st_ino to be 0 in some stat()s and chmod & fchmod to set MODE EA without type bird defect normal libc-0.6.1 libc-backend
#43 libc: Runtime configuration of where to use UnixEAs bird defect normal libc-0.6.4 libc-backend
#44 libc: statvfs reports 14 chars max filename length everywhere bird defect normal libc-0.6.4 libc
#46 ilink map file name is wrong when multiple dots are in target name bird defect normal libc-0.6.1 emx
#48 libc: freopen(NULL, "rb", stdio) panics (doesn't work as expected) bird defect highest libc-0.6.1 libc-frontend
#49 libc: st_ctime is incorrect and st_birthtime isn't converted to UTC bird defect normal libc-0.6.1 libc-backend
#50 libc: umask isn't inherited bird defect high libc-0.6.1 libc-backend
#51 libc: unlink fails on readonly file bird defect high libc-0.6.1 libc-backend
#52 libc: path resolver fails resolving a directory symlink for lstat bird defect normal libc-0.6.1 libc-backend
#53 libc: freopen("missing",,) causes panic bird defect high libc-0.6.1 libc-frontend
#55 emxomfld doesn't delete temporary files bird defect normal libc-0.6.1 emx
#58 libc: closed standard handles cause uninitialized stdout/stdin/stderr streams bird defect high libc-0.6.1 baselayout
#60 libc: filehandle inheritance doesn't work right! bird defect highest libc-0.6.1 libc-backend
#61 libc: symlink(,existing) returns the wrong errno bird defect normal libc-0.6.1 libc-backend
#62 libc: getdelim / getline returns failure when the last line doesn't end with the delimiter / newline bird defect normal libc-0.6.1 libc-frontend
#65 libc: sys/stat.h doesn't work in non BSD source mode bird defect normal libc-0.6.1 libc
#67 libc: Remove ncurses headers bird defect normal libc-0.6.1 libc
#68 libc: getopt prototype clashes (getopt.h/unistd.h) bird defect normal libc-0.6.1 libc
#69 libc: basename & dirname return incorrect results for paths with drive bird defect normal libc-0.6.1 libc
#70 Demangle function names for omf debug info bird defect normal libc-0.6.1 emx
#71 libc: Incorrect fmutex padding in FILE bird defect normal libc-0.6.1 libc
#76 libc: fork() failed when using dlopen() bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc-backend
#100 gcc: can't throw across dll/exe boundraries bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 gcc
#103 libc: atexit() callbacks in dlls are called after dlclose()/DosFreeModule() on the DLL bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc-backend
#109 libstdc++: infinite recursion during thread exit bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 gcc
#110 Superfluous DO in ENV.CMD bird defect normal baselayout
#111 libos2: Correct som data imports bird defect high libc-0.6.2 libc
#112 libc: stdio.h va_list & _POSIX_C_SOURCE=1 bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc
#113 libc: scanf("%lld", &lld) bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc-frontend
#114 libc: Unloading a DLL can break wait*() and other libc operations. bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc-frontend
#115 weakld: Don't bitch about export aliases bird defect lowest libc-0.6.2 emx
#118 libc: Incorrect DosSetFHState mask bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc-backend
#119 libc: logging stops in fork() child after libc data segment copying bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc-backend
#122 libc: open("file", O_RDONLY | O_CREAT, 0666) fails bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc
#123 emxomfld: exit with rc 8 on genuin weakld failures, not -1. bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 emx
#124 libc/gcc: link libstdc++ into the libc dll bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc
#125 libc: Missing nan(), nanl() and nanf() bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc-frontend
#128 libos2: unidef.h is missing a few defines bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc
#133 _SC_PAGESIZE missing in sysconf() bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc
#134 emxomfld/wlink: The internalname and entryname of an IMPORTS statement is switched bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 emx
#135 libc: setlocale(LC_COLLATE, "C") doesn't work correctly bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc
#136 libc: incorrect parsing of single quotes in commandline arguments bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc-backend
#137 emxomf: Don't truncate symbols twice. bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 emx
#140 Definition file line can be greater than 512 bytes bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 emx
#141 libc: include the right types.h from sys/param.h, arpa/nameser.h and resolv.h bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc
#142 libc: tempnam(NULL,NULL) crashes and tempnam messes up errno bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc-frontend
#143 libc: __libc_Back_fsDirCurrentSet is hiding failures (chdir) bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc-backend
#144 libc: tolower() doesn't work for the first 128 chars if not inlined. bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc
#145 emxomf: deal with non-standard enum stabs bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 emx
#146 libc: fread() on a write-only stream incorrectly puts it in an irreversable read mode bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc-frontend
#147 libc: merge in current regex code and fix REG_ERANGE bug (sed/grep/++) bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc-frontend
#148 emxomf: The anonymous members of struct stat chokes the debuggers bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 emx
#149 libc: stat("/dev/null", &s) fails, fix. bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc-backend
#150 libc: symlinks 'files' contain garbage instead of the name bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc-backend
#151 libc: Recursive "LIBC SYS Filehandle Mutex" panic bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc-frontend
#152 libc: lost signals / thread pokes bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc-backend
#154 libc: _SC_ARG_MAX is significantly lower than ARG_MAX bird defect normal libc-0.6.6 libc
#155 libc: setlocale calls UniFreeUconvObjec(NULL) instead of UniFreeLocalObject causing crash in UConv.dll bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc
#158 libc: printf("%#X, 255) outputs 0xFF instead of 0XFF bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc-frontend
#162 libc: -Zno-fork -> unresolved do_return_failure and do_return_success bird defect normal libc-0.6.3 libc-backend
#163 libc: rmdir resolves symlinks in the last component bird defect normal libc-0.6.3 libc-backend
#165 libc: don't kill children when the parent exits bird defect normal libc-0.6.5 libc-backend
#166 libc: three serious __libc_tcpipops_Close4x bugs that might cause process crashes/hangs bird defect normal libc-0.6.3 libc-backend
#167 libc: __spawnve should wait for children to finish the inheriting bird defect normal libc-0.6.3 libc-backend
#168 libc: close filehandles on exec bird defect normal libc-0.6.3 libc-backend
#169 Crash in safe version of DosStartSession() when passing NULLs bird defect normal libc-0.6.3 libc
#170 SafeDosStartSession only passed first environment variable to child bird defect normal libc-0.6.3 libc
#172 libc: dup2/dup on tcpip socket doesn't clear the no-inhert/close-on-exec flags bird defect normal libc-0.6.3 libc-backend
#173 libc: bsdselect (4.4) will corrupt the stack / fail when given more than 64 sockets bird defect normal libc-0.6.3 libc-backend
#174 DosQueryAppType throws errors when os2safe.h is included (new with version 0.6.3) bird defect highest libc-0.6.3 libc
#176 kNIX: patch bird defect normal kNIX Bootstrap baselayout
#177 kNIX: wget bird defect normal kNIX Bootstrap baselayout
#179 emxomfld: ldconv temp files aren't converted to native OS/2 paths bird defect normal libc-0.6.4 emx
#180 libc: spawnvpe adds default extention (.exe) preventing execution of scripts without extension bird defect normal libc-0.6.6 libc
#181 libc: dlopen doesn't resolve paths before passing it on to OS/2 bird defect normal libc-0.6.4 libc-backend
#182 iconv() and path separator bird defect normal libc-0.6.5 libc
#183 libc: iconv uses alloca regardless of size bird defect normal libc-0.6.4 libc
#184 emxomfar does not accept '-' before command parameter bird defect normal libc-0.6.4 emx
#185 libc: Calling setlocale() from both parent and forked child crashes child bird defect normal libc-0.6.4 libc
#187 strftime is broken for several locales bird defect normal libc-0.6.5 libc
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