Custom Query (13 matches)


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Status: closed (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#174 issues in a large Windows network Herwig Bauernfeind defect Feedback Pending Samba Client GUI Samba Client GUI 2.x
#230 Error message from evfsgui.VRM from Edit menu Herwig Bauernfeind defect Feedback Pending Samba Client GUI Samba Client GUI 2.x
#244 Cannot open Samba Herwig Bauernfeind defect Feedback Pending Samba Client GUI Samba Client GUI 2.x
#254 Suddenly wrong partitions defect Feedback Pending Samba Client GUI Server 3.6.x
#148 Need time delay in EVFSGUI on startup Herwig Bauernfeind enhancem. minor Samba Client GUI 3.0.34
#157 Help Bottom Box "Advanced Mount Option" does not work Herwig Bauernfeind defect minor Samba Client GUI Samba Client GUI (EVFSGUI) 2.0
#158 GUI layout - Mount Botton overlay with text - screenshot Herwig Bauernfeind defect minor Samba Client GUI Samba Client GUI (EVFSGUI) 2.0 beta 1
#159 machine may end in the wrong workgroup Herwig Bauernfeind defect minor Samba Client GUI Samba Client GUI (EVFSGUI) 2.0
#170 EVFSGUI crash in dialog mode Herwig Bauernfeind defect minor Samba Client GUI Samba Client GUI (EVFSGUI) 2.0
#222 EVFSGUI fatal error 'E' at startup Herwig Bauernfeind defect minor Samba Client GUI Samba Client GUI (EVFSGUI) 2.0
#150 EVFSGUI crashes during "Detach all" Herwig Bauernfeind defect major Samba Client GUI Samba Client GUI (EVFSGUI) 2.0
#250 SYS0123 error attempting to mount remote directory in EVFSGUI Herwig Bauernfeind defect major Samba Client GUI Samba Client GUI 2.x
#210 Customer reported defect Samba GUI included in eCS 2.2 beta nobody defect critical Unknown Samba Client GUI 2.x
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.