Custom Query (9 matches)


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Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#63 Files with Umlauts not visible in a MDOS box using Netdrive/ndpsmb defect critical Samba Client Plugin NDP 1.0
#89 Netdrive plugin crashes when opening directory with many image files with PMView defect blocker Samba Client Plugin NDP 1.5 beta 1
#100 Changeset #236 breaks clients which run on codepage other than IBM-850 defect blocker Samba Client Plugin NDP 1.5 beta 1
#121 OpenOffice 3: Saving a file to a Samba share takes ages from eCS system defect major Samba Client Plugin 3.0.34
#67 simplify client dialog for netdrive enhancem. minor Samba Client Plugin NDP 1.5 alpha
#92 mapping to subdirectory of a share nobody enhancem. none Samba Client Plugin 3.0.34
#118 No access to files on router since last router update nobody defect major Unknown 3.0.34
#86 IO errors during writes Silvan Scherrer defect major Samba Client Plugin NDP 1.5 alpha
#117 Incomplete directory display Silvan Scherrer defect critical Samba Client GUI Samba Client GUI (EVFSGUI) 2.0 beta 1
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.