Custom Query (18 matches)


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Status: closed (18 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#11 100% cpu usage Paul Smedley defect major 3.0.25rc3 worksforme
#90 Cannot rename file or directory when resulting name only has a different case nobody defect critical 3.0.34 fixed
#85 Character translation problem Paul Smedley defect critical 3.0.34 fixed
#51 Do not change current user when SWAT is running as apache cgi Paul Smedley defect minor 3.0.28 fixed
#60 Office XP Paul Smedley defect critical 3.0.31 fixed
#55 Problem with fork() in swat Paul Smedley defect minor 3.0.28 duplicate
#18 SWAT Paul Smedley defect minor 3.0.25b duplicate
#19 SWAT Paul Smedley defect minor 3.0.25a fixed
#54 SWAT can neither start nor stop the Samba daemons Silvan Scherrer defect minor 3.0.28 fixed
#74 Set UNIXROOT and TMPDIR to suitable defaults in case they are undefined Herwig Bauernfeind enhancem. minor 3.0.34 fixed
#24 Windows clients show a prepended "C:" on shares from a Samba machine. Paul Smedley defect critical 3.0.25c fixed
#41 get_ea_dos_attributes error Paul Smedley defect minor 3.0.26a fixed
#72 login slow with new os2_randget() in os2ea.c Paul Smedley defect major 3.0.33 duplicate
#73 login slow with new os2_randget() in os2ea.c Herwig Bauernfeind defect major 3.0.33 fixed
#78 net rpc file: List of open files on remote server has "C:" prepended Paul Smedley defect minor 3.0.34 fixed
#53 swat Silvan Scherrer enhancem. trivial 3.0.28 fixed
#76 tdb related error since changeset 165 Paul Smedley defect major 3.0.34 worksforme
#57 testparm.exe -v produces an invalid smb.conf if the winbind separator character is the default "\" Paul Smedley defect major 3.0.28a wontfix
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