Opened 17 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#41 closed defect (fixed)

get_ea_dos_attributes error

Reported by: ggamba Owned by: Paul Smedley
Priority: minor Milestone: Samba Server for eCS (OS/2) 1.0.1
Component: Samba Server Version: 3.0.26a
Keywords: Cc:


I'm using samba-3.0.26a-os2-20070921-v7a.wpi. In the log file I frequently get:

[2007/10/21 19:04:35, 1] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(1044)

ecs99565615 ( connect to service R initially as user PC1 (uid=0, gid=0) (pid 124)

[2007/10/21 19:04:35, 1] smbd/dosmode.c:get_ea_dos_attribute(236)

get_ea_dos_attributes: Cannot get attribute from EA on file ./..: Error = No such file or directory

while browsing the samba resource from client via WPS. The samba resource is:


comment = Drive R: (JFS)
path = R:/[[BR]] read only = No
guest ok = Yes
hide files = /*. SF/root/

This problem has been reproduced by Herwig. Changing the "hide files = " setting into "veto files = " doesn't help.

Change History (7)

comment:1 by ggamba, 17 years ago

Still here with

Please note that this only affects the root folder of the shared volume. If I set a particular view , e.g. "Icon view - multiple columns - small icons", for a subfolder, setting is correctly recorded, and reused by WPS next time the subfolder is opened.

I must admit that I'm not sure at all that this worked with LAN Requester...

comment:2 by Paul Smedley, 17 years ago

Does this error actually cause any problems? I thought it was purely cosmetic as the "files" '.' and '..' don't/can't actually have EA's

comment:3 by Paul Smedley, 17 years ago

What do I need to do to get the error 'get_ea_dos_attributes: Cannot get attribute from EA on file ./..: Error = No such file or directory'

Even though it's only cosmetic - I'd like to tidy it up.

comment:4 by Yuri Dario, 17 years ago

Milestone: Samba Server for OS/2 1.0.1

comment:5 by ggamba, 17 years ago

Still here with Samba version 3.0.31-eCS 1.0.0.

Paul, to reproduce this error I think it is enough to share the root of the drive.

comment:6 by Herwig Bauernfeind, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Changeset fixes this issue.

comment:7 by Herwig Bauernfeind, 16 years ago

Summary: get_ea_dos_attributes error (version 3.0.26a)get_ea_dos_attributes error
Version: 3.0.26a
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