Custom Query (15 matches)


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Ticket Summary Owner Status Priority Component Version
#2 Intel H56 widescreen problem closed major 1.01
#3 freze at pmshell closed major 1.01
#5 Lenovo T400 integrated Intel video 1440x900 32bpp failure closed major 1.01
#8 System freezes hard when running sysbench Dive test closed major 1.03
#9 ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3650 closed major 1.03
#11 Unsure if write-combine is setup correctly. closed major 1.03
#12 Lenovo Thinkpad X300 integrated Intel video 1440x900 32bpp failure closed major 1.04
#16 System crash when calling "full screen command line" closed major panorama 1.06
#10 Image too small with DVI output new minor 1.03
#13 Thinkpad W500 video to external monitor fails after reboot closed minor panorama 1.04
#14 Can't set resolution to 1920 x 1200 David Azarewicz new minor panorama 1.04
#1 Test Ticket closed Feedback Pending 1.01
#4 freze at pmshell closed Feedback Pending 1.01
#6 Screen is a mess David Azarewicz closed Feedback Pending 1.02
#7 Screen margins closed Feedback Pending 1.02
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