Custom Query (26 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (25 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#158 Support keyboard access to context menu options in quicklist entry fields Steven Levine enhancement minor fm/2 base 3.07
#156 Opening multiple instances of FM/2 brings up a readonly attribute error message defect major fm/2 base 3.08
#153 Canceling "file/directory object information" causes FM/2 to trap. Steven Levine defect minor fm/2 base 3.07
#152 Fast internal viewer fails defect major fm/2 base 3.07
#151 Allow the subject column width to be user settable and it to be movable between the right and left panes enhancement major fm/2 base 3.07
#149 Change to DosSleep(0) or eliminate DosSleep(1) on inner loops for file loading defect critical fm/2 base 3.07
#148 Reduce DosSleep times to speed code task minor fm/2 base 3.07
#143 Processing of certain archiver signatures with hex bytes is broken. defect minor fm/2 base 3.07
#138 Increase findbuf to speed file loading Gregg Young enhancement major fm/2 base 3.07
#136 Allow editing of strings longer than 40 for subjects in EA editor Gregg Young enhancement minor fm/2 base 3.07
#135 Seek and scan may crash when searching EAs Steven Levine defect blocker fm/2 base 3.07
#130 Convert to OpenWatcom Warp Toolkit Gregg Young enhancement major fm/2 base 3.07
#129 WORKPLACE_PROCESS check removes all "open" options should only remove WPS opts stevenhl,gyoung defect minor fm/2 base 3.07
#125 SYS3175 when accessing subdirectory of removable USB drive (camera) Gregg Young defect critical fm/2 base 3.07
#123 Make RBuild page wiki-pretty task minor fm/2 base 3.07
#122 Update build instructions for OpenWatcom task minor fm/2 base 3.07
#118 "Show subjects" config setting not remembered John Small defect major fm/2 base
#115 Support larger Subject fields in Details view Gregg Young enhancement minor fm/2 base 3.07
#111 Suppress PMERR_SOURCE_SAME_AS_TARGET in FreeDragInfoData() when the source window is in the fm/2 process Steven Levine defect minor fm/2 base 3.07
#109 states save should support updating existing state Steven Levine enhancement minor fm/2 base 3.07
#104 Add horizontal scroll bar to internal viewer enhancement trivial fm/2 base 3.07
#52 Optimize memory use for large numbers of files >15,000-20,000 defect major fm/2 base 3.07
#31 Increase number of characters supported in States drop down box Steven Levine enhancement trivial fm/2 base 3.07
#24 Repeated hangs with FM2 requiring reboot StevenHL defect critical fm/2 base 3.07
#5 Add common functions to format and parse pathnames and numbers. task minor fm/2 base 3.07

Resolution: duplicate (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#157 Opening multiple instances of FM/2 brings up a readonly attribute error message defect major fm/2 base 3.07
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.