Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#153 closed defect (fixed)

Canceling "file/directory object information" causes FM/2 to trap.

Reported by: guest Owned by: Steven Levine
Priority: minor Milestone: Release_3.7
Component: fm/2 base Version: 3.07
Keywords: Cc:



Go to the XWorkplace\bin directory.

Select the "xwpdaemn.exe"

Go up to the toolbar and select the "Object info" bmp.

The "file/directory object information" comes up.

Click the "Cancel" button.

Now do the same thing over again. The second time, FM/2 crashes and leaves entries in the os2popup.log.

08-22-2007 22:11:14 SYS3175 PID 003c TID 0008 Slot 008e F:\TOOLS\FM2\FM3.EXE c0000005 00444d9c P1=00000002 P2=00000000 P3=XXXXXXXX P4=XXXXXXXX EAX=00000000 EBX=00000000 ECX=0008003c EDX=13e8af20 ESI=004427b8 EDI=8000018d DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030 GS=0000 GSACC= GSLIM= CS:EIP=005b:00444d9c CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff SS:ESP=0053:02c9d624 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff EBP=02c9d75c FLG=00012212


Gregg stated that he can reproduce it and already has a trap dump.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Steven Levine, 18 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Corrected by changeset 805

comment:2 by Steven Levine, 18 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

comment:3 by Steven Levine, 18 years ago

Owner: set to Steven Levine
Status: reopenednew

comment:4 by Steven Levine, 18 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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