Custom Query (12 matches)


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Status: closed (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#98 icon.exe and fm2play.exe display error message Gregg Young defect trivial fm/2 base
#19 Update installer to optionally overwrite existing text config files dwgras enhancement minor fm/2 base
#64 Replace command should leave the commands at the same position in the command list Gregg Young defect major fm/2 base
#90 Remove from distribution Gregg Young defect minor fm/2 base 3.05
#96 Remove GetPString from WinCreateWindow & WinRegisterClass calls Gregg Young defect major fm/2 base 3.05
#93 Okay on command dialog should not generate an error when entry not changed Gregg Young defect minor fm/2 base 3.05
#51 Netdrive Drag&Drop delay (move drag/drop dialog to separate tread?) defect major fm/2 base
#50 Moving massive amounts of files via drap&drop eventually fails Steven Levine defect major fm/2 base 3.05
#10 Create a warpin installer for FM2 dwgras,jsmall enhancement major fm/2 base
#89 Code should use QWL_USER to reference window words Gregg Young task minor fm/2 base
#77 Closing Dialog after viewing file EA causes SYS3175 Steven Levine defect major fm/2 base 3.05
#74 Cleanup DOROT13 macro in MLE.c Gregg Young task minor fm/2 base 3.05
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.