Custom Query (9 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#63 usbcfg.exe can't display driver information since v 10.192 defect Feedback Pending Other
#73 11.06 WPI breaks amouse defect Feedback Pending AMOUSE 11.06
#65 Clarification of licensing for distribution enhancement trivial basedrv
#68 USB-Serial converter with PL2303 fails defect major basedrv 11.05
#71 Write errors with pl2303 equiped modem defect major USBCOM 11.05
#72 eCS does not see my printer (Brother HL-2070N B&W laser printer) somebody defect major USBPRT 11.05
#77 Printers are not visible defect major basedrv 10.197
#87 USB keyboard inoperable during CONFIG.SYS boot processing. defect major hid(hid,mouse,kbd)
#85 Writing on external disk with version 10209 defect critical basedrv 10.209
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