Custom Query (8 matches)


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Status: closed (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#79 ENABLE_HW_CERTIFICATION and DISABLE_STREAM_REUSE martini task normal 1.1.4RC6 minor
#143 Uniaud Documentation Lewis Rosenthal task normal 1.1.4RC6 minor
#13 No system sounds with SB Live! 24bit [CA0106] vladest defect normal 1.1.4 normal
#75 Mixer.exe and Uniaud.dll not installed by installer Yoda enhancement normal 1.1.4RC5 normal
#105 NVidia AC'97 (10DE:0059) is silent in 1.1.4RC5, was fine in RC4 Yoda defect normal 1.1.4RC5 normal
#59 TRAP during boot in UNIAUD16 debug version RC3 greenemk defect highest 1.1.4 blocker
#163 114RC7 uniaud16.sys causes crash when playing \mmos2\desktop\dsk_lckp.wav David Azarewicz defect highest 1.1.4RC7 blocker
#220 Trap 3 in UniAud16 1.9.6 defect highest 2.02.01 blocker
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