Custom Query (23 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (22 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#128 "lib" WPI package doesn't install on systems with no XWorkplace installed defect minor General 4.5.1 GA
#152 Apply performance options task minor General 4.5.1 GA
#126 Building projects with "dev" WPI package fails defect major General 4.5.1 GA
#135 Check if WebKit can be built task major General 4.5.1 GA
#130 Clicking HTTP links doesn't start the browser defect major QtGui 4.5.1 GA
#123 Derive language settings from the system enhancement blocker QtCore 4.5.1 Beta 5
#48 Enable MMX/SSE defect major General 4.5.1 Beta 1
#154 Floating point exception in various scenarios defect major QtCore 4.5.1 GA
#143 Linguist build fails. defect major Tools
#39 Port QAccessible task blocker QtGui 4.5.1 Beta 1
#119 Port QAssistant task blocker General 4.5.1 Beta 5
#6 Port QFileSystemWatcher task blocker QtCore 4.5.1 Beta 1
#43 Port QPrintDialog and QPageSetupDialog task blocker QtGui 4.5.1 Beta 1
#36 Port QPrintEngine and QPrinterInfo task blocker QtGui 4.5.1 Beta 1
#127 QDesigner fails to load large/complex ui file made on MAC/Windows defect major Tools 4.5.1 GA
#137 QDirModel shows phantom drive B: defect blocker QtCore 4.5.1 GA
#125 QMAKESPEC qmake variable not defined defect major General 4.5.1 GA
#88 Qt 4.6 Dmitry A. Kuminov enhancement blocker General Unknown
#136 QtScript module does not build defect blocker General 4.5.1 GA
#131 Suppress hardware errors if AUTOFAIL is missing from CONFIG.SYS enhancement blocker QtCore 4.5.1 GA
#101 Use DIVE to speed up blitting in QRasterWindowSurface enhancement major QtGui 4.5.1 Beta 3
#146 WPI "lib" package still refuses to load w/o XWorkplace task blocker General 4.5.1 GA

Resolution: invalid (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#148 Assistant doesn't work anymore defect major Tools Unknown
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.