Custom Query (26 matches)


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Status: closed (26 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#296 SSL Problem defect blocker QtNetwork 4.7.3
#238 QFileSystemModel incorrectly sorts directories defect major QtGui
#278 Qwidget setWinIcon() defect major QtGui 4.7.3
#279 Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint support defect minor QtGui 4.7.3
#280 An activated window is placed behind a deactivated window defect major QtGui 4.7.3
#287 Drive letter is removed in a file dialog Silvan Scherrer defect major QtGui 4.7.3
#288 Implement WM_QUERYCONVERTPOS defect major QtGui 4.7.3
#306 PNG-format application icon renders badly defect minor QtGui 4.7.3
#10 Port QSharedMemory task major QtCore 4.5.1 Beta 1
#11 Port QSystemSemaphore task major QtCore 4.5.1 Beta 1
#25 QFSFileEngine: Implement memory mapped files enhancement major QtCore 4.5.1 Beta 1
#85 QProcess: Support P_SESSION enhancement minor QtCore 4.5.1 Beta 2
#15 Finish configure.cmd enhancement major General 4.5.1 Beta 1
#240 File system view in QtCreator doesn't enter certain directories defect major General
#250 Update to 5.x task major General
#252 Invokinga Qt App switches keyboard from german to US defect minor General 4.5.1 Beta 1
#266 waitForFinished() doesn't work defect major General 4.7.3
#274 Qt FileDialog locks up machine with Core 2 Quad, but works with Core 2 Duo defect major General 4.7.3
#275 Qt 4.7.3 yum install as the preferred method defect minor General 4.7.3
#277 enhance QsysInfo defect minor General 4.7.3
#283 Make Qt completely highmem-compatible defect major General 4.7.3
#289 Fix plugin load failures defect major General 4.7.3
#298 QFileSystemModel::directoryLoaded() signal passes a drive root as x: not x:/ defect major General 4.7.3
#305 Application icon is unavailable in (e.g.) MessageBox::about() when ICO is used. defect trivial General 4.7.3
#307 qtconcurrentfilter.h generates -Wunused-local-typedefs warning when compiling with GCC 4.9.2 defect minor General 4.7.3
#309 Provide i686 and pentium4 builds of Qt4 libraries enhancement minor General 4.7.3
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.