Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#269 Test file link collector new task minor 1.4.2
#334 Lucide does not show all fields that can be edted. new defect major 1.4.2
#342 Lucide does not print on a postscript printer PDF files generated by Scribus new defect major 1.4.1
#360 Find searches document window even when navigation window has focus new enhancement minor 1.4.1
#368 Find not working in some cases new defect minor 1.4.1
#384 Lucide blocks Presentation Manager new defect minor 1.5.0
#385 Consider plugin for HEIC files new enhancement major 1.5.1
#386 Add accelerator key to clear or toggle the search highlighting new enhancement trivial 1.5.0
#374 Postscript Printer Xerox Phaser 8550DP prints PS-code only! assigned Lewis Rosenthal defect major 1.4.1
#381 cannot open multiple documents simultaneously assigned Lewis Rosenthal defect major 1.5.0
#271 Create thumbnails in background assigned Gregg Young enhancement minor 1.4.1
#274 Once a document has been Saved As, don't prompt to save the document upon closing assigned Gregg Young defect minor 1.4.1
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.