Custom Query (7 matches)


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Status: closed (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#211 Alt-w broken in v1.3.1 and newer defect Feedback Pending 1.3 fixed
#227 V.e.r.y slow processing and displaying defect Feedback Pending 1.3 fixed
#232 can't start lucide lucide dll can't find module stdcpp (sys 0002) defect major 1.3 invalid
#233 error message lucide.dll defect major 1.3 invalid
#163 Opening a PDF in background makes Lucide display only blank pages Eugene Romanenko defect major 1.2 fixed
#217 Poor performance (probably transparency related) defect Feedback Pending 1.2 fixed
#234 adjust readme and wpi task major 1.2 fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.