Custom Query (33 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Version Owner Type Priority
#274 Add EXCEPTQ support reopened enhancement normal
#277 Too many warnings generated in the build new enhancement normal
#324 emxomfstrip: strip like tool for LX new enhancement normal
#341 ash: process stuck in read() new defect normal
#228 CMSG_LEN and CMSG_SPACE missing accepted Yuri Dario defect normal
#272 Add support for wide char printf (vswprintf and friends) accepted Yuri Dario enhancement highest
#6 libc: basic getrusage() implementation new bird enhancement normal
#72 bash 3.1 assigned bird task lowest
#82 grep 2.5.1 new bird task lowest
#83 gawk 3.1.5 assigned bird task low
#84 sed 4.1.5 assigned bird task lowest
#86 libreadline 5.1 new bird task normal
#87 gettext 0.14.4 new bird task normal
#88 libiconv 1.9.1 new bird task normal
#90 automake 1.4-p6, 1.7.9, 1.8.5, 1.9.6, 1.10 assigned bird task lowest
#91 autoconf 2.13 and 2.61 assigned bird task lowest
#92 libtool 1.5.22 new bird task normal
#94 findutils 4.2.27 assigned bird task low
#96 bdb 4.4.20 new bird task normal
#97 gdbm new bird task normal
#98 openssl 0.9.8a new bird task normal
#99 python 2.5 assigned bird task lowest
#157 perl 5.8.8 assigned bird defect low
#161 nasm 0.98.xx new bird defect normal
#175 kNIX: Gentoo Portage assigned bird defect normal
#191 bsdselect() screws up on SMP new bird defect normal
#201 It is not possible to delete/rename open files assigned bird enhancement normal
#210 fcntl() reopened bird defect normal
#214 getpass() new bird enhancement normal
#216 32Kb limit building .dll files assigned bird defect normal
#229 Add creation and access time fields to struct dirent new bird enhancement normal
#252 emxomfld: understand SEGMENTS in .DEF accepted bird defect normal
#262 Forward LIBC sysctl calls for CTL_NET to __libsocket_sysctl new bird enhancement normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.