Custom Query (172 matches)


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Results (169 - 171 of 172)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#205 fixed Desktop on Call crashes browser and then graphicall corrupts the PMSHELL. ecsnl

This is *possibly* the same problem as ticket #200.

With the internal eCS 2.2 beta's that install ODIN via RPM and the latest JAVA I get a graphically corrupted PMSHELL. I need to reboot.

The problem does not go away by dragging for example an open folder over the desktop.

What happens is that Desktop On Call works. In the browser you see the login window loaded. Then when the you type in the password and userid normaly a new browser window is loaded that displays the remote desktop. This is where the crash occurs.

In some cases the java.exe does not crash by it. But if I go into TOP and kill it the same corruption occurs.

I will privately send a link where a desktop on call workstation is open so you guys can test this!

#206 fixed java.awt.print failes gap

The java.awt.print fails in Java 1.6 (B27) but works in earlier versions.

#240 fixed Starting java.exe from ash/dash breaks command line arguments with spaces dmik

Given this

public class hello
  public static void main(String args[])
    System.out.println("hello world!");
    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i)

and this SH script:

D:/Tools/openjdk6_b27_sdk_os2_ga5-20130217/bin/java.exe -cp . hello "1 2" 3

you get this output if the script is run by bash:

hello world!
arg[0]=[1 2]

and this output if it's run by ash/dash:

hello world!

Apparently, in the second case spaces are handled incorrectly.

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