Custom Query (26 matches)


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Status: closed (26 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#176 Add "Save as" to internal editor Gregg Young enhancement minor fm/2 base 3.09
#172 Add #ifdefs to fm3dll for os2.h dependencies task minor fm/2 base 3.09
#180 Assure that all executible files called by fm/2 will work if their path contains a space Gregg Young defect minor fm/2 base 3.09
#189 Avoid closing os2.ini and os2sys.ini Steven Levine defect major fm/2 base 3.09
#147 Complex crash of FM/2 invovling PMview Netdrives mapping of a PEER drive and warpcenter defect major fm/2 base
#183 Create runmail feature in newview like runhttp only for email addresses Gregg Young defect minor fm/2 base 3.09
#27 Dropping a new font on menus doesn't work correctly Gregg Young defect trivial fm/2 base 3.09
#86 Ensure HAB exists for all threads that invoke WinPostMsg task minor fm/2 base
#83 Ensure all generated commands support spaces within the file names arguments task minor fm/2 base
#87 Ensure message queue exists for all threads that invoke WinSendMsg task minor fm/2 base
#178 Existing filter expressions with commas no longer work defect minor fm/2 base 3.09
#175 Hex formatting of binary data does not always show all data defect major fm/2 base 3.09
#169 Implement and use CompareFDATEFTIME() Gregg Young task minor fm/2 base
#174 Inifile Viewer/editor broken since 3.06 - mutilating display data, truncating edit data Gregg Young defect critical fm/2 base 3.08
#105 MMPM code doesn't recognize JPG as an image file Gregg Young defect minor fm/2 base
#182 Make WPURLDEFAULTSETTINGS the fall back default for ftprun Gregg Young enhancement minor fm/2 base 3.09
#181 Make a new settings page for run FTP/HTTP add an HTTP viewer and the working directories Gregg Young enhancement minor fm/2 base 3.09
#162 Mismatched Drop down menu colors Gregg Young defect minor fm/2 base 3.09
#18 Return error messages when external programs fail defect minor fm/2 base 3.09
#131 Switch to OpenWatcom wrc.exe Steven Levine enhancement major fm/2 base 3.09
#165 The internal editor cannot open readonly files. Gregg Young defect minor fm/2 base 3.09
#23 Unzip directory removed from config if directory not available at initial scan Gregg Young defect minor fm/2 base
#177 Update CopyPresParams to copy all types of pres parameters Gregg Young enhancement minor fm/2 base 3.09
#185 Use CommaFmtULL for file, EA etc sizes Gregg Young enhancement minor fm/2 base 3.09
#179 Use WPURLDEFAULTSETTINGS for the fallback in runhttp instead of explore.exe Gregg Young enhancement minor fm/2 base 3.09
#106 runemf2 error should indicate source of called file (ie assoc.dat vs MMPM, etc) Gregg Young defect minor fm/2 base
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.