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Results (49 - 51 of 69)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#53 fixed Writing large eas or coping a file with large eas trap the system r282 Gregg Young

Writing large eas to a VFAT drive causes a system trap. The eas are a thumbnail created by Lucide. It also traps in fat32 when you try to copy a file with large eas attached (again a thumbnail created by Lucide). Steps to reproduce:

Place a pdf file without a thumbnail on the VFAT drive. Open it with Lucide set to create thumbnails When you close the file or Lucide (which is when the eas get written) you trap

The same thing occurs on a FAT32 drive if you copy a pdf that already has a thumbnail as part of its eas.

Note this was not happening with r280 but was with r276 and r277.

The following is the trap screen from the VFAT trap described above. I have a system dump of both traps above. I also have a system dump from just repeatedly accessing the drive from the drives folder which was also fixed by turning off eas. All these problems go away with eas turned off.

#54 fixed DDK files in FAT32 SVN repo ecsnl

I always wonder why files that are part of another set of files need to included in other projects such as these: These are from \ddk\base\h

src\include\devclass.h src\include\devcmd.h src\include\devhdr.h src\include\devhelp.h src\include\dhcalls.h src\include\dskinit.h src\include\fsd.h src\include\fsh.h src\include\infoseg.h src\include\iorb.h src\include\reqpkt.h src\include\sas.h src\include\strat2.h

This is not a full list. There are others pulled from other subdirectorieis of the DDK sources.

Somebody send me that list. Also the inclusion of these files violates the IBM DDK license.

#56 fixed FAT32 partition : file contents vanish Barry Landy

This ticket is included for completness

IN #45 lewisr refers to "a user of Arcaos" having a problem and leaving it to him to report. I am that user and I did not report it because lewisr said it was fixed in v249.

I installed the then layest version and have indeed not seen the "vanishing contents problem" but instead hit problem #46

When obeying some CMD files instead of the CMD being obeyed the content of the file is cleared instead.

So far as I can see this only affects files on a FAT32 formatted partition.

It does not happen for all files but for those it does it is 100% consistent.

This is not an effect I have ever seen before and I wonder if it could possibly be a FAT32 bug. Steps To Reproduce (on my system!) Boot ARCAOS 5.0

Open an OS2 command window type "ex" (not quotes)

The ex.cmd contains just exit so this should cause the window to exit. Instead it returns to the prompt, and looking at the file (type cmd\ex.cmd) shows the contents have gone.

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