
Apr 1, 2011:

5:55 PM Ticket #501 (PCI slot not working) closed by diver
fixed: seems lika after switching to smp kernel the acpidaemon trap is gone …

Mar 30, 2011:

6:42 PM Changeset [339] by pasha
result of #497 problem locations

Mar 26, 2011:

1:12 PM Ticket #502 (ACPI 319 - RC4) created by eirik
To enable more persons (and hence more computers) to test later …

Mar 25, 2011:

1:54 PM Ticket #501 (PCI slot not working) created by diver
with acpi 3.19 and earlier some pci slots are not working when /!NOD …

Mar 12, 2011:

8:57 PM Ticket #500 (TrapE starting ACPIDaemon) created by David McKenna
I had to replace the motherboard on a working eCS 2.0 system (using …

Mar 11, 2011:

9:25 PM Changeset [338] by pasha
add out binary, fux acpi.cmd template

Mar 7, 2011:

5:57 PM Changeset [337] by pasha
restore GA code
2:01 AM Changeset [336] by pasha
share bit fixes

Mar 3, 2011:

6:25 PM Changeset [335] by pasha
Add doc for understanding. Current probe for tickets resolve.

Feb 28, 2011:

9:14 PM Changeset [334] by Steven Levine
Correct svn properties
9:06 PM Changeset [333] by Steven Levine
Update usage guide to hopefully be more understandable.

Feb 19, 2011:

1:41 PM Ticket #499 (Enable Quiet Boot /Q) created by martini
Once the system it is stable it is not required to see on each boot: …

Feb 17, 2011:

12:51 AM Changeset [332] by pasha
up to Acpi319PollingFullOnly.zip

Feb 15, 2011:

10:52 PM Ticket #498 (Asus M4A87TD + acpi v3.19CR4 = AcpiOsSignalSemaphore BAD) created by kmarjerison
Both 3.18 and 3.19 partially work(SMP but no APIC), but not with …

Feb 11, 2011:

6:56 PM Changeset [331] by pasha
Polling = Full ready, fix AcpiBattery for battery count > 1
4:07 AM Changeset [330] by pasha
expand thermal (toolkit), switch from semaphore to mutex

Feb 10, 2011:

6:27 PM Changeset [329] by pasha
repair kernel fix, fix toolkit

Feb 7, 2011:

8:41 PM Ticket #496 (Asus P5E3 dual core CPU IRQ problems) closed by Peter Kruithof
fixed: big problem found: While i was still wandering why this motherboard …

Feb 4, 2011:

12:09 AM Ticket #497 (T61 almost working suspend/resume with ACPI319CR4) created by madodel
I just tried the latest ACPI 3.19 from BetaZone (ACPI319CR4.ZIP). T61 …

Feb 3, 2011:

12:10 AM Ticket #337 (SMP with ATI (AMD) 480 chipset works (some smaller problems to be solved)) closed by Walter Meinl
unknown: Replying to pasha: > Please download experimental ACPI > …

Jan 31, 2011:

10:51 AM Changeset [328] by pasha
adding absent files, check resolve of acpica bugzilla #888 (fix for …

Jan 29, 2011:

5:28 PM Changeset [327] by pasha
CR4 to fix, edition 1

Jan 22, 2011:

2:38 PM Ticket #496 (Asus P5E3 dual core CPU IRQ problems) created by Peter Kruithof
Multiple irq's are on the same device no matter the acpi version. …

Jan 14, 2011:

5:21 PM Changeset [326] by pasha
fix GPE

Jan 9, 2011:

8:08 PM Ticket #495 (Information for Lenovo ThinkPad T510) created by dgbisse
I have a new Lenovo ThinkPad T510. ACPI seems to work in basic mode …

Jan 3, 2011:

12:34 PM Ticket #494 (Use of PS/2 mouse breaks IRQ link that was set up manually) created by Lars Erdmann
For this problem: this system has 2 onboard PS/2 ports (one for …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.