Custom Query (13 matches)


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Status: assigned (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#3 Color reset after bold part ends RBRi defect major NewView
#7 broken relation between the help feature of an application an newview RBRi defect major helpmgr dll 2.18
#22 IPF tag ARTLINK support (ecs ticket 1745/ ecs bug 1529) RBRi defect major NewView 2.18
#29 NewView install should replace \MPTN\BIN\VIEWHELP.EXE RBRi defect major NewView 2.19

Status: new (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#44 Newview crashes on certain keywords in clr.ipf defect minor NewView 2.19
#50 If window width is just right, text formatting attributes may be lost upon line wrap. defect minor NewView 2.19
#11 Additional empty lines RBRi defect major NewView 2.18
#18 support Innotek font engine RBRi enhancement minor NewView 2.18
#26 :hp5.Notes:ehp5. renderes 'Notes ' with underscore RBRi defect minor NewView 2.19
#27 Fix readme.txt RBRi defect major NewView 2.19
#30 Hilfeindex und Glossar RBRi defect major NewView 2.19
#32 Setup a page for translators in trac RBRi defect major NewView 2.19

Status: reopened (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#4 Wrong line format after a graphic RBRi defect major NewView
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.