Custom Query (11 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#25 "Hide tasklist entry" setting always deactivates on connection new minor wlanstat
#27 creating profile from connected hotspot causes interface reconfiguration new trivial v3.20 engine
#35 dhclient starts bevor wpa_supplicant has negotiated new minor engine
#39 Connection to some hotspots does not work new major v3.20 engine
#41 ifc2.cmd is source of constant disk access new trivial correct empty connections listbox engine
#42 Supplicant does not renegotiate handshake often enough new major engine
#44 Switching wireless off/on within short period of time does not restart dhclient new major v3.20 engine
#51 wlanstat hangs sometimes when wpa_supplicant is started new major correct empty connections listbox engine
#33 'Refresh' button in hotspot scan dialog needless new trivial v3.20 GUI (dialogs)
#36 Allow searching for networks even wenn WLAN is disabled new minor v3.20 GUI (dialogs)
#38 Automatically create profile for public hotspots when no matching profile is found new minor v3.20 GUI (dialogs)
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.