Custom Query (39 matches)


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Results (34 - 36 of 39)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#10 BlondeGuy invalid Trap 0008 when changing profiles

I installed the beta on a Thinkpad W500 with Intel 5100 WiFi?. I have two profiles, one for 2 GHz and one for 5 GHz.

Connects OK when on 802.11g

Trap 0008 when changing to 802.11n

After reboot, 802.11n works fine, but the Scan for Hotspots lists the connection as a red "54".

#17 voyagerbuddy invalid Wireless stoped working after a system crash

I am running eCS v2.1. I have had a system crash, after which wireless access no longer worked (wireless works using Ubuntu). To try to fix this I reinstalled GENMAC v2.2.0 and XWLAN v3.12 beta 2 (before the crash I was running XWLAN v3.11). This has not restored wireless access.

I have tried to to start debug for WPA_Supplicant but I do not get the debug window even though Visible is checked.

If I try to connect to a private network there are not network displayed when I "scan for hot spots". If I try to connect to a public network then the "scan for hot spots" will show all networks within range but still will not connect.

What do I need to do to identify what is causing the problem?

#18 chenbiao invalid ip interface disabled

Before I updated the latest 3.12beta2, the xwlan which was installed with ECS2.1 works fine on my thinkpad x32. This week after I installed the new beta I found every time when I start the computer, even the widget found the wireless connection but always popup "ip interface is disabled: lan1" when I move mouse on the icon.

I'll have to open a command prompt and run "dhcpstrt", then the widget can show "ip interface is being configured lan1" and later on activate the wifi connection.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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