Opened 11 years ago
Closed 9 years ago
#17 closed defect (invalid)
Wireless stoped working after a system crash
Reported by: | voyagerbuddy | Owned by: | |
Priority: | Feedback Pending | Milestone: | |
Component: | engine | Version: | 3.12 |
Keywords: | Cc: |
I am running eCS v2.1. I have had a system crash, after which wireless access no longer worked (wireless works using Ubuntu). To try to fix this I reinstalled GENMAC v2.2.0 and XWLAN v3.12 beta 2 (before the crash I was running XWLAN v3.11). This has not restored wireless access.
I have tried to to start debug for WPA_Supplicant but I do not get the debug window even though Visible is checked.
If I try to connect to a private network there are not network displayed when I "scan for hot spots". If I try to connect to a public network then the "scan for hot spots" will show all networks within range but still will not connect.
What do I need to do to identify what is causing the problem?
Change History (4)
comment:1 by , 11 years ago
comment:2 by , 11 years ago
A useful rexx script for following the interface configuration changes -
/* * IFMON.CMD - V1.00 C.Langanke 2009 * * Syntax: IFMON * * ifmon starts a command window and displays a TCP/IP interface * monitor. Every second, ifconfig and netstat are called to * determine all initialized TCP/IP interfaces and established network * routes. If more than 5 host routes are included, they are filtered * out to provide a better feedback on the network routes. * * To improve performance, and if a RAM disk can be found found by the * labels VFDISK or RAMFS, the required executables are copied to a * the RAM disk, and executed from there, */ SIGNAL ON HALT '@ECHO OFF'; Redirection = '>NUL 2>&1'; CrLf = '0d0a'x; GlobalVars = 'CrLf ExeRxQueue'; /* configure here */ RefreshInterval = 1; WIndowTitle = 'TCP/IP Interface Monitor'; WindowCols = 96 WindowLines = 50; ListValidRamDriveLabels = 'VFDISK RAMFS'; call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs' call SysLoadFuncs DO 1 /* check if we need to launch another window */ PARSE ARG Parms; IF (WORDPOS( 'SHOW', Parms) = 0) THEN DO PARSE SOURCE . . CmdName; 'START /F /MAX "'WIndowTitle'" CMD.EXE /C mode co'WindowCols','WindowLines '^& ' CmdName ' SHOW'; LEAVE; END; /* get the executables */ ExeIfconfig = SysSearchPath( 'PATH', 'ifconfig.exe'); ExeNetstat = SysSearchPath( 'PATH', 'netstat.exe'); ExeRxQueue = SysSearchPath( 'PATH', 'rxqueue.exe'); /* check for VFDISK RAM drive */ RamDrive = ''; DriveList = SysDriveMap( 'C:', 'USED'); DO WHILE (DriveList \= '') PARSE VAR DriveList ThisDrive DriveList; PARSE VALUE SysDriveInfo( ThisDrive) WITH . . . ThisLabel; ThisLabel = STRIP( ThisLabel); IF (WORDPOS( ThisLabel, ListValidRamDriveLabels) > 0) THEN RamDrive = ThisDrive; END; /* copy executables to RAM drive */ IF (RamDrive \= '') THEN DO 'COPY' ExeIfconfig RamDrive Redirection; 'COPY' ExeNetstat RamDrive Redirection; 'COPY' ExeRxQueue RamDrive Redirection; ExeIfconfig = RamDrive'\'FILESPEC( 'N', ExeIfconfig); ExeNetstat = RamDrive'\'FILESPEC( 'N', ExeNetstat); ExeRxQueue = RamDrive'\'FILESPEC( 'N', ExeRxQueue); END; /* loop the status */ LastStatus = ''; DO WHILE (1) Status = ''; DO i = 0 TO 9 Status = Status''GetOutput( ExeIfconfig 'lan'i, 'netmask'); END; Status = Status''CrLf; NetstatStatus = GetOutput( ExeNetstat '-r'); NetstatStatus = CollapseHotRoutes( NetstatStatus); Status = Status''NetstatStatus; IF (LastStatus <> Status) THEN DO rcx = SysCls(); SAY Status LastStatus = Status; END; rcx = SysSleep( RefreshInterval); END; END; HALT: RETURN( 0); /* --------- */ GetOutput: PROCEDURE EXPOSE (GlobalVars) PARSE ARG Command, ReqSubstring; CrLf = '0d0a'x; QueueName = RXQUEUE( 'CREATE'); rc = RXQUEUE( 'SET', QueueName); Command ' 2>NUL |' ExeRxQueue QueueName; Output = ''; DO WHILE (QUEUED() > 0) PARSE PULL Line; Output = Output''Line''CrLf; END; rc = RXQUEUE( 'DELETE', QueueName); rc = RXQUEUE( 'SET', 'SESSION'); IF (ReqSubstring <> '') THEN DO IF (POS( ReqSubstring, Output) = 0) THEN Output = ''; END; RETURN( Output); /* --------- */ CollapseHotRoutes: PROCEDURE EXPOSE (GlobalVars) PARSE ARG Status; ClientRouteCountMax = 5; ClientRouteCount = 0; DefaultGateway = ''; OldStatus = Status; NewStatus = ''; DO WHILE (Status \= '') PARSE VAR Status ThisLine(CrLf)Status; PARSE VAR ThisLine RtDestination RtRouter RtNetmask RtMetric RtFlagsRtIntrf; /* check for default route */ IF (ThisLine \= '') THEN DO IF (RtDestination = 'default') THEN DefaultGateway = STRIP( RtRouter); ELSE DO /* check hostroutes using the default gateway */ IF ((RtRouter = DefaultGateway) & (POS( 'H', RtFlags) > 0)) THEN DO ClientRouteCount = ClientRouteCount + 1; ThisLine = ''; END; END; END; IF (ThisLine \= '') THEN NewStatus = NewStatus''CrLf''ThisLine; END; /* check if collapsed output is req, */ IF (ClientRouteCount > ClientRouteCountMax) THEN NewStatus = NewStatus''CrLf''CrLf''ClientRouteCount 'host routes over'DefaultGateway; ELSE NewStatus = OldStatus; RETURN( NewStatus);
comment:3 by , 10 years ago
Milestone: | correct empty connections listbox |
Priority: | major → Feedback Pending |
comment:4 by , 9 years ago
Resolution: | → invalid |
Status: | new → closed |
Closing ticket cause no feedback
You have done 'yum install dhclient'? Or don't you use DHCP?
In the xwlan settings notebook for TCP/IP there is shown the dhclient version on your system and the wpa supplicant version the WPA page? Please check and post.