Custom Query (25 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#64 Add documentation about Odin (WMV9 files not playing) assigned anonymous defect normal
#131 Certain WM *.asx and RM *.ram streams won't play new vladest defect normal
#70 Copied DVDs won't play assigned anonymous normal
#27 Error playing mp3 using UNIAUD. DART works perfect assigned anonymous normal
#133 Float to top should be disabled when settings notebook opened new vladest enhancement normal
#72 Long Start time after Suspend / Hibernation on TP T21 assigned anonymous defect normal
#136 Matroska video seeking new vladest defect high
#120 New pipe commands: incr/decr volume, prev/next chapter new vladest enhancement normal
#57 No sound on second start of WarpVision assigned anonymous normal
#114 Not sure how to use webcam with WVGUI new vladest enhancement normal
#59 SIGSEGV wihen playing multiple mpg4 files in playlist new vladest normal milestone1
#128 Support for VOBSub/VSFilter subtitle format new vladest enhancement normal
#82 WarpIN Package for Windows Codecs new vladest normal milestone1
#54 Windows Media (.wmv) streaming assigned anonymous defect normal
#47 WvGuirc3 blanks screen assigned anonymous normal
#50 bags wo regs assigned anonymous normal
#71 can't seek in streaming playback assigned anonymous defect normal
#22 mjpg no sound when using uniaud-plugin, wrong speed when using dart-plugin assigned anonymous normal
#74 streaming fails on ASF files assigned anonymous normal
#68 tvin rc3 not working assigned anonymous normal milestone3
#97 using the wv plugin in firefox only a blanks screen is displayed and wv gui is started assigned anonymous defect normal milestone1
#111 webcam not working anymore assigned anonymous defect normal
#100 запись в лог вешает плеер new vladest defect normal
#113 при video2 > file и если файл для играния открыть плеер не смог - умирает new vladest defect normal
#119 управление твин-ом new vladest task normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.