Opened 12 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#64 closed defect (fixed)

emperoar usb dvb-t stick not working with version 10.193

Reported by: PETER Verweij Owned by:
Priority: major Component: basedrv
Version: 10.193 Keywords:
Cc: cv@…


Opening new ticket, ticket #25 can be closed. Problem still not a good picture/stream with emperoar and new usb drivers, it's getting better, emperoar sees the stick and there is some picture. Old traces are on ticket #25

Attachments (7) (238.8 KB ) - added by Lars Erdmann 12 years ago.
SVN rev 913: change "CreateTDList" to only generate IOC on last TD of a transmission request (144.7 KB ) - added by PETER Verweij 12 years ago. (238.7 KB ) - added by Lars Erdmann 12 years ago.
SVN rev 916: compute data toggle bit not from finished request but rather as sequence to the latest new request (238.6 KB ) - added by Lars Erdmann 12 years ago.
SVN rev 917: let the HW manage the data toggle bit completely autonomously except for control transfers (238.6 KB ) - added by Lars Erdmann 12 years ago.
SVN rev 918: for new QH, properly initialize QH overlay area with regards to toggle bit (190.2 KB ) - added by PETER Verweij 12 years ago. (194.0 KB ) - added by PETER Verweij 12 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (22)

by Lars Erdmann, 12 years ago

Attachment: added

SVN rev 913: change "CreateTDList" to only generate IOC on last TD of a transmission request

comment:1 by Lars Erdmann, 12 years ago

Try Take trace. I hope it nails down at least one problem. Potentially I need to rework once more to get rid of another observation that I have.

comment:2 by Lars Erdmann, 12 years ago

Cc: cv@… added

by PETER Verweij, 12 years ago

Attachment: added

comment:3 by PETER Verweij, 12 years ago

Blue recognition light is on, but no picture on the screen, can switch channels, but still no picture. Sorry not that positive from my side, I hope you indeed nailed down one problem although I can't see the result on the screen.

by Lars Erdmann, 12 years ago

Attachment: added

SVN rev 916: compute data toggle bit not from finished request but rather as sequence to the latest new request

comment:4 by Lars Erdmann, 12 years ago

try Take trace.

by Lars Erdmann, 12 years ago

Attachment: added

SVN rev 917: let the HW manage the data toggle bit completely autonomously except for control transfers

comment:5 by Lars Erdmann, 12 years ago

once you tried, try and also take trace. Tell me for each if it works or not.

by Lars Erdmann, 12 years ago

Attachment: added

SVN rev 918: for new QH, properly initialize QH overlay area with regards to toggle bit

comment:6 by Lars Erdmann, 12 years ago

sorry, use instead of Test nonetheless.

by PETER Verweij, 12 years ago

Attachment: added

comment:7 by PETER Verweij, 12 years ago

Vrwp41 gives picture on the strongest channel, not perfect, but mostly there is a picture.Blue light for stream is continuously on. Changing channels is a bit hard, takes a long time, (longer than vrwp40)

by PETER Verweij, 12 years ago

Attachment: added

comment:8 by PETER Verweij, 12 years ago

Picture is about the same as with vrwp41, but changing channels goes better.

comment:9 by Lars Erdmann, 12 years ago

Can you now specify /S:8 on the USBEHCD.SYS config.sys line:


If that works ok you can work your way down: /S:4 then /S:2 and finally /S:1 which is the default if you do not specify the /S: switch at all. Pick the value that works for you so that for once your dvb-t stick will properly work and that data throughput for your USB memory sticks is ok.

Tell me if different values for /S: have an effect (more reliable reception - less reliable reception).

comment:10 by PETER Verweij, 12 years ago

Sorry took a while. s:2 gives the best results, s:8 the poorest. difference is not that great but there is some difference.

comment:11 by Lars Erdmann, 12 years ago

You did not say if /S:2 is acceptable or as good as 10.183. Sorry but I am out of ideas.
I cannot see anything apparent going wrong. But it looks like the device does not return the requested amount of data but rather less than that. However that is not necessarily an error. It's probably due to the fact that the data rate of the stream varies and therefore, when a request comes in, the dvb-t stick will return the data that it received since the last request.

comment:12 by PETER Verweij, 12 years ago

Tried the old 10.183 again. On all stations without a problem good reception (blue reception light) and picture /stream without a problem New version with /S:2 on always reception light but picture/stream with hickups,sometimes good, but not always. Somewhere there has to be a difference in the versions.I can only see the difference, sorry that I can't help any further.

comment:13 by Lars Erdmann, 11 years ago

Anybody still reading this ? I would like to try out something with USBEHCD.SYS and see if that fixes this problem ...

comment:14 by PETER Verweij, 11 years ago

Sure still using ecomstation and emperoar, still old version of usb drivers, tested a while ago a hobbes version, but that didn't work, same problem still.

comment:15 by Lars Erdmann, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Closing this ticket as a lot of changes have gone into the USB driver stack in the last 3 years. If necessary, please reopen.

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