Opened 13 years ago
Closed 9 years ago
#25 closed defect (duplicate)
emporoar tv usb not working with 184 package
Reported by: | PETER Verweij | Owned by: | somebody |
Priority: | major | Component: | basedrv |
Version: | Keywords: | ||
Cc: | cv@… |
With the new 184 package and (brandy2 special build) the usb dvb-tv receiver with the emperoar program won't work. Normal i get a color on the usb tv stick when there is a signal, but with 184 package no color and thus no tv. reverted back to 183 package and (same position nothing else changed) and then perfect reception. Normally usbehcd is used by the program.
If I have/can test something let me know. (no trap or failure message on the moment to attach)
Attachments (100)
Change History (252)
comment:1 by , 13 years ago
by , 13 years ago
USBEHCD, USBOHCD: changed "default addr. timeout" processing
by , 13 years ago
Attachment: | added |
comment:4 by , 13 years ago
Teste both vrwp and vrwp2 both give the same result as 184 package, usb dvb-tv stick is recognized, but there comes no stream for tv. Reverting back to 183 gives stream. Tested also usb memory stick and usb mouse both work. I have the idea that also the usb dvb-tv stick does something, it is recognized, but that's all. In one of the earliest versions you made I had the same problem. Some additional information, ecs 2.0, lenovo t61 system, acpi 3.20.4. If you want othere information or tests let me know.
comment:5 by , 13 years ago
There is a couple of things:
1.) attach output of pci.exe -D. I need to know what HC controllers you have exactly
2.) give the USBDock / USBResmgr output for the usb dvb-tv receiver stick. I need to know what device it is.
3.) try to find out whether USBEHCD.SYS or USBOHCD.SYS or USBUHCD.SYS fails: take the 10.183 drivers and replace one by one with the 10.184 drivers until you know which driver fails.
4.) once you find the 10.184 driver that fails, create a trace as described in the readme.txt file.
by , 13 years ago
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USBEHCD, USBOHCD, USBUHCD: changed "default addr. timeout" processing
comment:7 by , 13 years ago
Sorry, no go. it is only the usbehcd driver which gives the problems. (using the usbehcd driver from the 183 package gives tv). Sometimes I see for a short moment the light from the reception flashing, normally it just lights if there is a good reception. One time I had reception, very strange, with the 183 drivers I have always good reception. So I don' t believe it is in the reception, rebooted within a few minutes and tested with channels which have good reception. Also tested usb stick this works with test version, tested also a canon 350d photocamera (ptp driver) works also good.
comment:9 by , 13 years ago
I hope I created all the logs you needed, if not let me know or if you want other information.
comment:11 by , 13 years ago
Same problem with 185. Added trace from 185 version. In same zip (183 and also created trace output from the 183 version.
by , 13 years ago
Attachment: | trace183 and added |
comment:12 by , 13 years ago
Sorry, but please redo trace WITHOUT wrapping the trace buffer (I need the beginning from boot):
in config.sys (/M=NW means "no wrap" whereas /M=W would mean "wrap").
comment:13 by , 13 years ago
Telling from trace183.ftf: you have attached 2 USB devices, one USB 1.x and one USB 2.0 device.
Did you use a USB mouse or keyboard along with that dvbt stick ?
comment:14 by , 13 years ago
Will make a new trace tomorrow (I'm now in a region where there is not always reception with dvb-t) With 183 trace, nothing else connected, the only thing which is buildin, is the usb-fingerprint reader. Maybe that's the one, you see in the log.
comment:17 by , 13 years ago
tried the 185 package with the s:8 switch, as soon as I start emperoar it complains is can't find a suitable usb-stick and stops working. I made a trace, don't know if it will give good information, but it is no trouble to make it :-)
comment:18 by , 12 years ago
Tried 186 package, same problem as with 184 and 185. Trace added. Usb memory stick is working. Strange is that on 1 usb adapter the dvb-stick isn't recognized, on the other usb adapters it is recognized
by , 12 years ago
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comment:19 by , 12 years ago
Have you updated EVERYTHING, INCLUDING USBD.SYS ? You should. If it works on one USB adapter but not on the other (you have 2 EHCI controllers) then it's most likely a timing problem I have to sort out ...
By the way: will the DVB-T Stick at least show up in USBDock / USB resource manager ?
Try that for both USB EHCI controllers (change ports) ...
by , 12 years ago
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USBEHCD: modifying end of HC reset (remove some waits, reorder schedule enablement)
comment:21 by , 12 years ago
Updated everything, is most simple to do :-) tried the vrwp4 package, some improvement, but no solution. on the left side usb connector, the dvb-t stick is recognized by usb resource manager, but not by emperoar. On the right side I have 2 usb connectors, sometimes one works,sometimes the other one. ALways the dvb-t stick is recognized by usb resource manager but not always by emperoar. Once I did have a stream of a tv program, but after changing the channel (from ard to zdf) no more stream. One funny thing with this version. Normally the dvb-t stick gives a blue connection light when it picks up a signal (with constant blue connection light i normally have a good stream) I know get a continuous blue connection light, but no sound and no picture (video) in emperoar. I made a new trace, attached it. Thanks for all the work!
by , 12 years ago
Attachment: | trace added |
by , 12 years ago
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USBEHCD: on HC reset only wait for POTPGT when ports are not permanently powered
by , 12 years ago
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comment:23 by , 12 years ago
I'm sorry but behavior keeps the same but a little bit better, no recognition of usb-dvb-t stick on the left side with emperoar wit usb resource manager it is recognized, on the right side it is recognized (tested a few times and seems always to be recognized by usb resource manager and emperoar). Blue light for fetching a stream is on, but no video out put on the screen and no sound. It seems as if emperoar doesn't get the data or it is in a other way presented? so that emperoar can't handle the information??
If you need other information let me know.
comment:24 by , 12 years ago
What do you mean by "right side" and "left side" ? Are you attaching to different USB controllers ? If yes which one is "right side" and which one is "left side" ?
By the way: please post a valid email address so that I can put you on CC in that you get notified when I add something here.
comment:26 by , 12 years ago
As an intermediate test: can you use USBD.SYS 10.162 (the original version from IBM) and see if it makes any difference ?
comment:27 by , 12 years ago
Left and right has to do with the usb adapter I use on the notebook (I have one on the left side and two on the right side) Email address added, I think ;-) will test vrwp6 The original 10.162 had a problem, with emperoar there are special patched versions delivered. can see if I can get the original 10.162 drivers (must have them somewhere). The first versions you made had the same problem no working usb-dvb-t stick. There should be an old ticket I made then. After a while all the versions you made worked perfectly up to 183. that's the last version which works.
by , 12 years ago
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comment:28 by , 12 years ago
Tested the new version. It gets better, not perfect and as good as 183 version. :-) the usb adapter on the left side of the notebook still refuses to work with emperoar, usb resource manager sees the dvb-t stick. (with 183 version this adapter works, strange for me) The usb adapters on the right side works. I even had sound and video output, but after changing a channel no more sound and video output (changed from ard to einsfestival) Blue connection light is on, but it takes a "long" time before an actual video stream and sound is displayed. Will try the 162 version (copied them from ecs2.1 install)
by , 12 years ago
Attachment: | 2012-09-27-img0178.jpg added |
comment:29 by , 12 years ago
With original ibm-usb drivers I get the nice trap screen (picture 2012-09-27-img0178.jpg added)
comment:30 by , 12 years ago
0) please put a valid email address here in the comments so that I can add it to the CC field.
1) I am not surprised it traps with USBEHCD.SYS 10.162. I think we had that already.
2) the new version CANNOT be better than I just added more tracing and nothing else. Are you instead saying that with backlevelling USBD.SYS to 10.162 it had gotten better ? That would indicate that I'd have something to do about USBD.SYS.
by , 12 years ago
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USBEHCD: do NOT wait for port disconnect when low speed/full speed device has been detected
comment:32 by , 12 years ago
One question: I can see that you attach a USB 1.x device (USB mouse ?) to a HC that handles 4 USB ports. Then you attach a USB 2.0 device to another port of that very same HC. I assume that this USB 2.0 device is the DVB-T stick.
Is it the very same set of USB ports (the very same HC) where you plug in your USB 1.x device and the DVB-T stick ? If you are not sure, you might want to attach your USB 1.x device to a completely different port, hopefully to one managed by the other HC.
comment:33 by , 12 years ago
Cc: | added |
The original ibm-usb drivers give a trap. With emperoar there are special versions delivered which work, that's what I meant. Version7 gives the problem that the usb-dvb t stick is recognized by usb resource manager but not by emperoar. I think I have the emailaddress now good, The usb 1 device you see is the fingerprintreader which is built-in. (can't change the connection of that device)
by , 12 years ago
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comment:34 by , 12 years ago
I cannot see anything apparently wrong. Can you please backlevel USBD.SYS to 10.162 and see if that makes a difference ?
comment:35 by , 12 years ago
By the way: can you also attach the USB Resmgr info for the built-in fingerprintreader ?
comment:36 by , 12 years ago
can you also attach your config.sys ? Have you been specifying different /S: values for the two EHCI host controllers ?
by , 12 years ago
Attachment: | added |
USBEHCD: set speed setting separately from starting HC (looks like it's a tming thing)
by , 12 years ago
Attachment: | usbres output fingerprint reader.txt added |
output from usbresource manager for fingerprint reader
by , 12 years ago
Attachment: | trace added |
comment:38 by , 12 years ago
Tested vrwp8:
- on left side of the notebook usb adapter, usbresource manager sees the dvb-t stick, I hear the recognition sound if a device is inserted, but last beep isn't played. Emperoar doesn't see the stick.
- on right side of the notebook usb adapters, usb resource manager sees the dvb-t stick, I hear the recognition soudn if a device is inserted, an a last beep. Emperoar sees the usb-dvb-t stick. Sometimes it starts streaming video with sound, not always! Recognition light for stream is not always on. (but is a tv channel which gives no problem with quality with 183 version). Changing channel takes a while before something happens, mostly no video and no sound. Reverting back to the first channel mostly no sound and no video.
Will test now with usbd.sys from original ibm files. and usbehcd from vrwp8. (needs a reboot.)
comment:39 by , 12 years ago
Please remove /S:8 from USBEHCD.SYS for the first instance. The default for /S: if unspecified is now /S:1.[[BR]] I want to see if both EHCI HCs behave exactly the same or not. They should as they are exactly the same HCs. I would also think that /S:8 is potentially too slow for operating the dvb-t stick.
by , 12 years ago
Attachment: | usb vrwp8 added |
vrwp8 usbehcd with usbd.sys from ecs2.1 install
comment:40 by , 12 years ago
usb vrwp8 tested with usbd.sys from ecs2.1 install problem keeps the same. normally on new level of usb build I only have to backlevel usbehcd.sys to 183. to get things working. see your comment about /s:8 sorry about that, is from old test, forgot that to remove, will remove and start again :-)
by , 12 years ago
Attachment: | vrwp8 usbd162 without added |
vrwp8 with sbd.sys from ecs2.1 install removed switches /s8 config.sys
comment:41 by , 12 years ago
Now usb-dvb-t stick is always recognised by usb resource manager and emperoar left or right side from notebook ! Only downside no video or sound. Blue recognition light on the usb-dvb t most of the time off. Only thing I can do at the moment is install also usbd.sys from vrwp8. I think it will not change anything, but will try that also. Thanks for all the time and effort you take for getting it to work!
by , 12 years ago
Attachment: | vrwp8 without added |
vwp8 full package installs without switches in config.sys
comment:42 by , 12 years ago
Tested again vrwp8 but now with no switches for usbehcd.sys in config.sys. No change. no video or sound, blue connection light on usb-dvb-t stick mostly keeps off.
I don't know if a trace from usbehcd.sys from 183 usb drivers and everything from vrwp8 will help you. Up to vrwp7 that was enough to get every thing working again. (didn't test it yet with vrwp8)
by , 12 years ago
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USBEHCD,USBOHCD,USBUHCD: using TSC for all blocking delays
comment:43 by , 12 years ago
Try and take trace. If relevant, let me know if it boots ok or if it hangs or traps the system on boot.
by , 12 years ago
Attachment: | trace added |
comment:44 by , 12 years ago
System boots fine, dvb-t stick recognized by usb resource manager and emperoar. Just no video and no sound with emperoar. Blue connection light most of the time stays off.
Tested also a usb-stick (memory) works fine.
comment:46 by , 12 years ago
Lenovo ThinkPad T61 6466 - Core 2 Duo T8100 / 2.1 GHz - Centrino Duo That's the machine I use. Have the latest acpi (betazone) works perfectly.
by , 12 years ago
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USBEHCD: readd scheduling context hook waiting for frame rollover
by , 12 years ago
Attachment: | trace added |
comment:48 by , 12 years ago
dvb-t stick recognized by usb resource manager, but reognition beep is strange, normally you hear first a kind of a melody and then a short high toned beep. Now the "melody" is played twice and then the high beep. emperoar starts, at first no video and audio, made the trace and then all of a sudden, recognition light goes on an there is video an audio. Changed to different channel, nothing, waited 6 minutes but no video. Closed and started emperoar again, but no video. If you want other information let me know!
by , 12 years ago
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USBEHCD: readd mutex in AccNonIsoReq, make sure that requests terminate in the order they were allocated (?)
comment:49 by , 12 years ago
If that works: it's not the good solution as it reverts the performance speed-up that I had achieved. I would like to find a better solution and I would need you to continue testing.
by , 12 years ago
Attachment: | trace added |
comment:50 by , 12 years ago
It's the same as with version 10, I think. Beeps are strange, but recognition is there form usb resource manager and emperoar. Started emperoar, no video no sound, changed channels nothing, waited a while nothing. started tracefmt and there it is sound and video! changing channel and no sound, video. It needs a simple reboot, but will try with trace disabled to see if there is some change.
About the testing it's in my interest that there is development ;-) So I can't and will not complain about testing. I'm just very happy to contribute :-)
comment:51 by , 12 years ago
Made no difference with trace disabled. Tried to copy 6 files each 18MB to the hard drive. After a while the usb-stick can't be accessed anymore. Tried with the usb183 no problem. I don't know if gives you some information you need.
by , 12 years ago
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USBEHCD: free USBRB in exactly the same sequence they were allocated
comment:52 by , 12 years ago
Try If that works: it's the good solution I was talking about earlier on.
Let me know if it hangs or traps. If trap, please post trap screen.
It's not a problem with having trace enabled or disabled, you don't need to worry about that.
by , 12 years ago
Attachment: | trace added |
comment:53 by , 12 years ago
No change, recognition as always, also the strange beep, I wish I could record that, maybe it gives you a clou? no sound, no video, no recognition light for a stream. Not even after waiting for a while. No trap with emperoar. DO you also want a test with a big file transfer?
comment:54 by , 12 years ago
Yes, do a large file transfer and trace that. Also make sure the file is not corrupted ...
by , 12 years ago
Attachment: | added |
USBEHCD: free USBRB in the REVERSE sequence with which they were allocated
by , 12 years ago
Attachment: | trace added |
comment:56 by , 12 years ago
sorry for later reaction had a crash of the filesystem :-( took a while to restore everything. recognition ok, had even for a while video and audio. changing channel and every thing is lost. Will trace a big file transfer later in the day.
comment:57 by , 12 years ago
Can you only use 1 CPU core by specifying /MAXCPU=1 on the ACPI.PSD command line ?
I want to find out if this is a concurrency issue amongst multiple CPU cores.
by , 12 years ago
Attachment: | trace vrwp13 1 added |
comment:58 by , 12 years ago
Tried with switch for 1 cpu. trace added. recognition by usb resource manager and emperoar. sometimes blue recognition light for a stream on the dvb stick is on, but no audio and no video.
comment:59 by , 12 years ago
Tried to trace with a big file transfer, but problem occured. during the tranfer it suddenly stopped, started tracefmt had a trace but couldn't save the file. No drive was selectable. I don't know if it has something to do with usb driver or is another problem. Worked the whole day with the laptop without a problem. Will try later again. Is there a possibility to do a trace after you have already done a trace? the only solution i know is to reboot and trace.
by , 12 years ago
Attachment: | trace vrwp13 added |
comment:60 by , 12 years ago
tried it 4 times, copying 6 files each 18MB. no problems for now. Just made a trace, don't know if it's helpfull. Tried it with pc on only battery, with ac adapter connected. to ramdrive and directory.
comment:61 by , 12 years ago
As to "resume tracing":
yes you can restart trace from commandline, see "trace.exe" for help.
This will give you info on how tracing is currently set up: "trace.exe /q".
For your case, you want to clear the tracebuffer and then resume tracing which is: "trace.exe /c /r"
comment:62 by , 12 years ago
By the way: in general, please use ALL of
But as a test: Can you try with usbd.sys 10.162 (and multiple CPUs as this does not seem to make any difference) ? I don't have the faintest clue if that makes a difference but ...
comment:63 by , 12 years ago
try real quick. Also try in conjunction with USBD.SYS 10.162.
by , 12 years ago
Attachment: | trace vrwp13 added |
comment:64 by , 12 years ago
added trace with usb test version vrwp13 and only usbd.sys from 10.162 version. Same results.
by , 12 years ago
Attachment: | added |
comment:65 by , 12 years ago
Made a trace with only dvb-t stick connected, same results (is recognized, beep is strange) no video no audio, no recognition light of a stream on the stick. Tried to make a trace with dvb-t stick an usb-stick connected, but then then the pc hung. no trap, but no reaction from the system. Message just a bit short, I'm at work,-)
by , 12 years ago
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USBEHCD: rework USBRB management, iterate through USBRB in the sequence they were allocated
comment:66 by , 12 years ago
Try If it works in general, please tell me if system response becomes jerky in particular if you operate an additional device (like a memory stick) in parallel.
comment:67 by , 12 years ago
dvb stick is recognized, light for stream recognition is on, but simply no video and no sound. tried it in conjuction with usb stick connected, copied 5 files from about 18MB each, its real fast :-) no problems.
comment:68 by , 12 years ago
Has the situation improved ? Is the strange beep gone ? Is the light for stream recognition permanently on ? Or is it just as bad as before ?
I am a bit clueless as the dvbt-stick is a bulk device just like the usb stick is.
comment:69 by , 12 years ago
Improved, yes, stream recognition light is sometimes on if it's on then permanently, sometimes like today it's off an stays off, but no video is displayed, strange but don't know what is causing it. situation is better. Only thing I can add at the moment is that Rudigher Ihle made the application, maybe he has a clue?
comment:70 by , 12 years ago
are you sure it is acting like a bulk device? usbres says it is Human Interface Device (HID), while a usb stick is recognized as a Storage Device. I know the strange thing is that changing the usbehcd driver cures the problem, but maybe it has some connection to usbd? (I'm no programmer so just guessing)
comment:71 by , 12 years ago
"Interface 0" of your resmgr output tells me it's a bulk device. "Interface 1" tells me it can additionally act as a keyboard but I am sure for the audio and video data it's using the bulk interface.
Yes, the USBEHCD driver is the problem. It differs from USBUHCD and USBOHCD in that it tries to do a better job on accepting and queueing up requests from applications on the risk of having additional serialization issues (need to prevent requests mixing up ...). I already talked to Rüdiger Ihle and he told me it's critical that USBEHCD needs to process the requests in the order that Emperoar passes them to USBEHCD and that's what I am currently trying to straighten out as I suspect that that is the problem case.
by , 12 years ago
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USBEHCD: adding mutex protection to "AddToQH", making "GetNextUSBRBDATA" check for qh pointer instead for status flag
by , 12 years ago
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USBEHCD,USBOHCD,USBUHCD: kee16lib, put back in esp,ebp manip.
comment:73 by , 12 years ago
Use In I had removed stuff where I thought it was not necessary but where it turned out that it is (in order to circumvent a potential bug in the KEE API).
by , 12 years ago
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comment:74 by , 12 years ago
beep is still strange, the latest high beep isn't played. recognition light voor stream keeps off. no video or audio, sorry. This all for vrwp17, didn't try vrwp16
comment:75 by , 12 years ago
This is real strange, submitted the message and there it was video and audio. :-) switched channel and all is lost. Is it possible that there is some kind of interference with the ps/2 mouse (trackpoint)?
by , 12 years ago
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USBEHCD, USBOHCD: reworked all the Mutex serialization
comment:76 by , 12 years ago
If 10.183 USBEHCD.SYS works with PS/2 mouse then it certainly has nothing to do with PS/2 mouse.
Anyway, try I still have to change USBUHCD.SYS but if you don't have any USB 1.x device "interference" then it shouldn't matter for your tests.
by , 12 years ago
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comment:77 by , 12 years ago
tried vrwp18 usb resource manager and emperoar recognizes the usb-dvbt card. beep is more like the one with 10.183 version. only the latest high beep takes a while. started emperoar, no video no sound. closed emperoar started again, no video no sound. while i was typing this message there is was video and audio. watched a while, lost my message in the meantime, changed channel nothing no video no audio. waited 10 minutes still nothing. disconnected now from usb, reconnected and started the application again. Don't know if I get video, after 2 minutes stream recognition light is on, but still no video. after 5 minutes still nothing. Tried it this time with timing the minutes because in the latest version it mostly starts giving video after a while, but can't find out why.
by , 12 years ago
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USBEHCD: correctly update current USBRB read pointer when a new USBRB is added while looping through the list
by , 12 years ago
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comment:79 by , 12 years ago
trace maybe a bit short, but restarted the trace, had the device tested before. Recognition beep stays strange. DVB-t recognized by usb resource manager and emperoar. Story stays the same, starting the package gives no audio or video. After a while there is perfect audio and video. Chnaging the channel and all is gone. Tried to insert usb stick and see if that made a change, but can't conform that. If you wan't other tests let me know. Sorry can't give better news at the moment.
by , 12 years ago
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USBEHCD: if new USBRB is added to chain, set current read pointer to BEGINNING of chain
comment:80 by , 12 years ago
I know what the problem is but it turns out it's not all that easy to fix.
Emperoar has some special way of sending read requests to USBEHCD.SYS that Rüdiger Ihle explained to me (this is all in order to sustain the high data rate that is required for the video/audio stream) and that makes it different from let's say doing a chkdsk on a USB drive. I don't have Emperoar to test therefore I have to go blind with the traces you provide to me. They give me a clue of what's going wrong.
by , 12 years ago
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USBEHCD: if new USBRB is added to chain, set current read pointer to BEGINNING of chain but ONLY if it is at current end
comment:81 by , 12 years ago
Also try Tell me if it is better than (if any of these work at all).
by , 12 years ago
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USBEHCD: if new USBRB is added to chain, set current read pointer to the PREVIOUS end of the chain
comment:82 by , 12 years ago
Also try after you have tried the others. Let me know which of,, work best if at all.
What you should also do: access a USB stick, let's say open some files or start a search, whatever. At the same time, open USB resource manager and check that you don't experience a hang or failure while USB resource manager parses all the device descriptors.
comment:83 by , 12 years ago
Tried vrwp.19with usb-stick had to copy 110MB (5 105MB)after awhile nothing happend anymore. forgot to make trace. wil try the new versions.
comment:85 by , 12 years ago
Oke, just tested vrwp.20 no video. Copying real large files 160 MB and 10 MB lead to a hang in transfer. Could start tracefmt but couldn't save the file no possibility to select a drive. Will test new version shortly.
by , 12 years ago
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comment:86 by , 12 years ago
tried vrwp23. recognition from both usb res manager and emperoar. beep keeps strange. started emperoar no video and audio. connected a usb stick and there it was video and audio! changed channel and nothing. disconnected and reconnected, choose refresh nothing,couldn't get video. copied 176MB with this version to the usb stick without a problem, this is better :-)
by , 12 years ago
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USBEHCD: don't change USBRB read pointer on a USBRB allocate/unallocate
by , 12 years ago
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USEHCD: rework "FreeClaimed" to properly handle resource unallocation
by , 12 years ago
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comment:89 by , 12 years ago
sorry took a bit longer, but trace from version 25 added. recognition is there both usb resource manager and emperoar. started emperoar nothing, attached usb stick, browsed directories started copying 2 large files 180 MB total, after a while video stream and audio perfectly. changed channel nothing, copying still but no more video and audio. Almost ready with copying looks good. Detaching usb-dvb-t closing emperoar and attaching, and starting again. No video, no audio. That's for me a bit funny, first time I get after a while video, but no second time. Copied the files succesfully. detached the usb-stick and reattached it but no more video, although video stream indicator is on.
comment:90 by , 12 years ago
Please do this:
1) run "trace.exe on /M:W" from commandline: this will enable trace wrapping. That will give me the opportunity to see more data traffic once the trace buffer fills up. In short: this will enable overwriting the oldest trace buffer entries
2) run "trace.exe /C /R" from commandline: this will clear the tracebuffer and then resume tracing
3) don't bother with USB sticks, I think that this now works OK. Instead just attach dvbt stick and run Emperoar.
By the way, this is what Rüdiger explained about the beep: when you attach the dvbt stick, Emperoar will download firmware onto the stick. It will then initiate a "restart" of the dvbt stick. Once that is done, the dvbt stick will do a beep and will be operational.
by , 12 years ago
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comment:91 by , 12 years ago
Don't know what is going on at the moment, but no way to get the stream working. Made a trace after step1, or should i have done it after step2. I thought step 2 was after i got a working stream, but not sure. Will revert to 10.183 to test there is no hardware or other problem. if not then I will try again.
by , 12 years ago
Attachment: | sounds added |
comment:92 by , 12 years ago
added the sounds connection, smplayer will play the files, made with telephone not perfect but maybe interesting to hear there is definitely another connection beep.
by , 12 years ago
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by , 12 years ago
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comment:93 by , 12 years ago
reverted back definitely no hardware problem all functions well. reinstalled vrwp25 no video, connected the usb stick, started copying a large file, notebook hangs, drives aren't accessible. rebooted, started emperoar no connection, connected usb-stick nothing, browsed folders files, no cure. started chkdsk on the usb stick and there was the stream ! mad trace.vrwp25.connection. changed channels nothing any more, connection light for stream is on. tried chkdsk on usb stick again but this time no video... let me know if this are the traces you wanted
by , 12 years ago
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USBEHCD: reverting back to original: scanning USBRBs from back to front, no linked list
by , 12 years ago
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comment:95 by , 12 years ago
Couldn't get a video or audio stream, connectionlight is mostly off. Attaching a usb-stick and browsing the directory structure didn't help. Connection beep stays the same as on all special builds. If you want more information let me know.
by , 12 years ago
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USBEHCD: rework QH chaining/unchaining from physical chain
by , 12 years ago
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comment:97 by , 12 years ago
recognition from emperoar and usb resource manager ok connection beep stays the same (different from 10.183) couldn't get a video or audio stream. connection light stays off.
comment:98 by , 12 years ago
had the vrwp27 all day on the laptop, copied a few files, not that big, but after a while nothing happend on the usb stick.couldn't get the system to work further so had to reboot.
comment:99 by , 12 years ago
As a test: can you run with 1 CPU only (ACPI.PSD /MAXCPU=1) and see if that makes a difference ? In particular using a memory stick.
When nothing happened with usb stick anymore: was the system completely hung or did USB just not work any more ? Would USB mouse continue to work (if you have such) ?
by , 12 years ago
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by , 12 years ago
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comment:100 by , 12 years ago
with 1 cpu for emperoar no change, trace added. for usb stick it seems to work, copying 2 files total of 180MB and still works (still in progress), also added trace for that. Will test tomorrow again, I know I have to copy files from and to usb stick and will leave these settings on the notebook for now.
system reacted still on alt-ctrl-del (the manager cad-popup appeared and could choose top.) it seemed as if the wps was frozen, couldn't get any icon to start. Didn't have a usb mouse at hand. It test tomoroow goes ok, will go for normal acpi setting and test again. In mean time the 2 files 180 MB copied succesfully.
by , 12 years ago
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USBEHCD: changes to AddTDToQH,PrepareToRemove,FreeClaimed
by , 12 years ago
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comment:102 by , 12 years ago
tested vrwp27 with maxcpu=1 and copying from usb stick. (copying with a simple program I wrote in rexx) after a while it stops, searched for usbmouse and then program was gone, normally it stays active after it finished copying. added a trace, don't know if you can see the problem, trace is earlier then the problem occured.
by , 12 years ago
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comment:103 by , 12 years ago
normal acpi (so 2 cpu's) usb dvb t stick is recognized by usb resource manager and emperoar. started emperoar, no video, no audio, light for connection is off. Added the usb stick and there was the connection light, stayed on, but still no video or audio. Copying worked fine.
comment:104 by , 12 years ago
You either have to manually execute "trace.exe ON /M:W" followed by "trace.exe /C /R" or you need to specify:
otherwise your traces are completely useless as they will only trace the bootup (which is obviously not the problem)
Obviously we need to catch the point where something hangs (well in case of a complete hang the trace will be lost too unless you would initiate a system dump).
by , 12 years ago
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USBEHCD: poll if QH pointer is in use in "AddReqQH","AddPeriodicQH","AddTDToQH"
by , 12 years ago
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USBEHCD, "FreeClaimed","PrepareToRemove": poll HW for QH signaling inactive instead of forcing it through SW
by , 12 years ago
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comment:107 by , 12 years ago
used new tracebuffer settings. trace made from vrwp29. beep is still different. recognition light was off, browsed some files on a fat32 partition changed channel and after a while there it was audio and video. changed channels again all lost. made the trace at that point. the recognition light is sometimes on, sometimes off.
by , 12 years ago
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comment:108 by , 12 years ago
vrwp30 tested, is a bit strange. as soon as I attach the dvb-t stick the cursor/mouse is gone and can't type anything. so first detached the dvb-t stick and typed tracefmt. this trace added. so can't test any further then insertion of the stick. If you want other information let me know.
comment:109 by , 12 years ago
i wonder if it wouldn't be faster when Lars would get the DVB-T stick to test himself. @vrwp i don't know where you from, but eventually you could send Lars the stick?
comment:110 by , 12 years ago
I live in Germany, work in the Netherlands. Maybe I can find a second dvb-t stick. Don't know if it will make it easier for Lars.
comment:111 by , 12 years ago
I have a spare usb-dvb-t stick. My brother uses this one normally with windows, but I tested this stick also an works on OS/2. If you want to lent it let me know
comment:112 by , 12 years ago
Resolution: | → wontfix |
Status: | new → closed |
10.184: outdated version. No further response from reporter regarding newer versions.
comment:113 by , 12 years ago
Sorry,due to other messages I had the impression other things where tested. Tried 1.89 and stick is recognised by usb resource manager, but emperoar sees no usb-dvb stick. trace added.
comment:114 by , 12 years ago
Resolution: | wontfix |
Status: | closed → reopened |
comment:115 by , 12 years ago
tried version 1.90 same as with 1.89 usb-dvb-t stick isn' t recognized by emperoar.
comment:117 by , 12 years ago
Tried with anchieri version, there are two version of anchieri, tried the first. Will try the second also.
comment:118 by , 12 years ago
trace with anchieri2 version added. anchieri 1, usb-dvb-t stick is seen by usb widget, name msi digi vox is displayed, emperoar doens't see the usb stick. anchieri 2, usb-dvb-t stick is seen by usb widget, but as "new device", emperoar doesn't see the usb stick
comment:120 by , 12 years ago
trace with anchieri version 4 added, usb-dvb-t stick is seen by usb widget as "new device" emperoar doesn't recognize the usb-dvb-t stick.
comment:122 by , 12 years ago
Trace added, usb widget sees the dvb-t stick as msi digi vox, but emperoar keeps complaining no suitebla device found.
comment:123 by , 12 years ago
Try Don't bother with traces. I have no time to look at them.
Check ticket #54 regularly for newer versions
comment:128 by , 12 years ago
Get 10.191 from Hobbes. Then try various values for /S:, start with /S:8, then go down to /S:4, /S:2, /S:1[[BR]] Other valid values are /S:16, /S:32, /S:64 that you also might want to try out, just in case.
comment:129 by , 12 years ago
Tried all switches but emperoar keeps complaining no suitable device found....
comment:130 by , 12 years ago
do you have access to eComStation beta zone ? If yes, get "".
That should work no matter what you set for /S (in short it uses /S:1 as the default if you don't specify anything else).
If it works, report back so that I can finally close this ticket. Thanks.
comment:131 by , 12 years ago
Tried the drive from the betazone, same as before, usb-dvb-t stick is recognized by usbresmgr, but emperoar doesn't see it, complains: no suitable capture device found. Please install a device driver or attach sub device.
Config.sys is for a long time unchanged, so only logical error that keeps remaining emperoar doesn't see the usb device, don't know why.
comment:132 by , 12 years ago
please try Just back up everything and use the complete contents of this zip.
by , 12 years ago
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comment:133 by , 12 years ago
There is progress (regarding the dvb-t stick :-) ) Stick is seen by emperoar. Program starts, I did have a tv stream, but not as good as with old version. Some observations:
- switching to another tv channel leads to a long waiting time before a tv stream starts again.
- sometimes a perfect tv stream, but did also have situations with no pictures, but the blue connection light on the tv stick was on (normally it is on when it has good tv-stream reception. I have had this in earlier test builds
by , 12 years ago
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USBEHCD: frame list rollover interrupt enable would be reset before the corresponding interrupt would fire
comment:135 by , 12 years ago
Emperoar starts, blue light is on (good reception), but not always I get a good picture. Sometimes it does, but mostly the screen keeps black (no picture). made a trace. I can't say that there is for me much difference between vrwp31 and vrwp32.
by , 12 years ago
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comment:136 by , 12 years ago
I have added additional tracing so that I can see if some certain error condition occurs with your dvb-t stick as I have a vague idea of what could be wrong. Make sure you update also the .TFF files and redo the trace with your dvb-t stick and the MPEGTV program.
by , 12 years ago
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additional tracing in USBEHCD, "FinishIO" to check for certain error conditions
by , 12 years ago
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by , 12 years ago
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comment:137 by , 12 years ago
Added the new trace, had to try it twice, first time I started emperoar, switched channels, started tracefmt (while emperoar was running) then got the trap screen (trapscreen vrwp 33) Started all over again, but before I started tracefmt I stopped emperoar, that worked. If you want other information or trace let me know.
by , 12 years ago
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SVN rev 907: USBEHCD, for completed transmission poll for all TDs to go inactive
comment:138 by , 12 years ago
1) thanks for reporting the trap screen. I found the error and hopefully fixed it. It was comnpletely unrelated to the original problem but nonetheless ...
2) take a trace as usual. I also updated the TFF file. Make sure you also update it.
comment:139 by , 12 years ago
Before you ask: of course, with 2) I try to fix the original problem in Addition to fixing the trap.
by , 12 years ago
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comment:140 by , 12 years ago
Tested the new version. It takes a long time before I get a picture.
- once after a long wait I got a clear picture, blue reception light always on. had to change channels before something happend.
- tried a second time, not changing channels, waited also long, no picture, but blue reception light is on.
by , 12 years ago
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SVN rev 908: additional tracing in "FinishIO" to check for halted QH and TD content
comment:141 by , 12 years ago
try new version. Make sure you also replace TFF file as I need additional trace output. Take trace.
by , 12 years ago
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comment:142 by , 12 years ago
This version is not so good, emperoar won't start, doesn't see the usb-dvb-t stick. Made a trace, not sure if it will help. To fast in the reply, sorry. Attached the stick a second time, now emperoar starts. blue recognition light for strema is on, but no picture. system is slow in responds? tried chaning channel, no luck, for some reason I can't get another channel. will try to add a second trace vrwp35-2
by , 12 years ago
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comment:143 by , 12 years ago
Thanks for the trace. I now know exactly what the problem is. Now it's time to find the right solution.
by , 12 years ago
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SVN rev 909: USBEHCD. SYS, rework short packet processing, only do termination processing when USBINT or USBERRINT is set
comment:144 by , 12 years ago
try new version. TFF file again updated, so make sure you replace. Take trace.
by , 12 years ago
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comment:145 by , 12 years ago
Emperoar starts with no problems, blue recognition light for recognition for dvb-t stream is on, but no picture. It seams easier to change channels, this goes fast, but tv-screen keeps black (no stream on the desktop.
by , 12 years ago
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SVN rev 910: for short packet processing, check if currTD of QH is not pointing to what we think is short packet, for async advance interrupt, trigger extra ctx invocation
comment:146 by , 12 years ago
Try and report back here. Please do me a favor and once this is done open another ticket with the same topic (but refer to 10.193 instead). This ticket is getting rather lengthy.
by , 12 years ago
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SVN rev 910: for short packet processing, check if currTD of QH is not pointing to what we think is short packet, for async advance interrupt, trigger extra ctx invocation
by , 12 years ago
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SVN rev 911: in "EHCIInterrupt" make sure that we do either termination processing or async advance proc. but not both on one ctx invocation
comment:148 by , 12 years ago
Then try I think that was lacking some necessary change. Just try both and we will see if it makes a difference.
by , 12 years ago
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comment:149 by , 12 years ago
I did manage to get sound and picture with version 38! did not test version 37, will try version 39 and then close the ticket, open a new one for new version. One thing is strange, after changing channel the reception is gone, most curious is that the channel which is the weakest will work, strong(reception) channel wont work.
by , 12 years ago
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comment:150 by , 12 years ago
Trace vrwp39 added, had reception from stronger channel, but not as clear as with package 38and the weaker channel. Will close this ticket and open a new one.
comment:151 by , 12 years ago
don't forget to add your email address to the new ticket. Else you will not get any email notification.
comment:152 by , 9 years ago
Resolution: | → duplicate |
Status: | reopened → closed |
Does any other USB 2.0 device work ? Like memory stick for example ?