Custom Query (10 matches)


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Status: closed (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#56 timestamps for files on shares are not always correct defect blocker fixed
#131 ndpsmb.dll crashes evfsctl.exe on Multicore CPUs Silvan Scherrer defect blocker NDP 1.5.0 fixed
#149 ndpsmb 1.6 beta 1 crashes when accessing share in a 2nd session defect critical Client 2.1.x fixed
#133 logging enhancem. minor Client 2.1.x fixed
#99 Wrong displaying of NAS directory content defect critical NDP 1.5 beta 1 lack of feedback
#136 Syntax parser of plugin enhancem. minor NDP 1.5.0 invalid
#120 OpenOffice 3: Saving a file to a Samba share takes ages from eCS system defect major 3.0.34 fixed
#97 Netdrive 1.6 task minor Client 2.1.x fixed
#152 Missing version notice in properties dialogue enhancem. minor 3.0.37 fixed
#139 (Plugin for Netdrive - 1.5.1 GA) Help-button does'nt work Silvan Scherrer defect minor NDP 1.5.0 fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.