Opened 15 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#136 closed enhancem. (invalid)

Syntax parser of plugin

Reported by: Herwig Bauernfeind Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: Netdrive plugin 2.1 alpha
Component: Samba Client Plugin Version: NDP 1.5.0
Keywords: Cc:


HerwigB: I can do it using REXX but I am unable to figure out the exact syntax for the resource for ND.EXE / EVFSCLI.EXE
HerwigB: RTFM did not help either....
HerwigB is working on Samba logon script support for eCS client
GGW: HerwigB : what do you want to achieve ? Which eCS version and component are you expecting ?
HerwigB: GG_W: any 2.0 rc or even OS/2 plus netdrive would be sufficient
_diver: HerwigB: did you look in the volumes.cfg file from netdrive
Paperino: HerwigB, ready, what should i try?
GG_W: HerwigB : I am about to go, but what do you want to do ?
(want *us* to do)
GG_W: (what can be done is nd mount smbfs s:\mountpoint ;workgroup=...;server=...;share=...;user=...;password=...;master=...;mastertype=...;memlen=...;logfile=...;loglevel=...;easupport=...)
HerwigB: GG_W: Hmmmh, from evfscli mount -? I did not expect that I'd have to provide everything in configstring format. Thx.
HerwigB: I think that was the hint I needed
HerwigB: I tried:
HerwigB: nd attach z: - this works
HerwigB: nd mount z:\  with several variations for user, pw, server, share always gave me a sys0067
HerwigB: GG_W: You are right, it works this way. Oh boy.
Paperino: HerwigB, probably it is the plugin that fails if not all parameters are available.
Paperino: Obviously. Thx anyway and sorry for bothering.
HerwigB still had too much of the IBM LAN-Requester NET.EXE in mind....
Paperino: np, maybe a new ticket should be opened for this. the plugin should not require all parameters to work...
GG_W: HerwigB : the ND commands for the SMBFS plugin don't seem to work here, but I didn't try extensively (Should all the parameters be specified ? What are the minimum parameters needed to connect to a 
HerwigB: GG_W: I still need to try out the minimum set.
HerwigB: i guess you need all
GG_W, _diver: Easy answer: Yes!
_diver: HerwigB: as i know the parser ;-)
_diver: But one may leave (some) values empty of course
_diver: probably we could change that, that only needed parameters are necessary
HerwigB: The SPASSWORD token may be left be out completely
HerwigB: The MASTERTYPE token may be left out
HerwigB: The MASTER token may be left out
HerwigB: The EASUPPORT token may be left out
HerwigB: Hmm, SERVER SHARE USER PASSWORD and W/R are the minumum to establish a connection.
_diver: open a ticket, so we can consider that for 1.6 client
HerwigB: WORKGROUP must be provided but can be empty, which is odd, as the other ones not really required can be left out.
_diver: probably because WORKGROUP is the first
HerwigB: quite likely
HerwigB: Hehe, you must specify WORKGROUP as first, if it is specified later it does not work.
_diver: sure as we parse in the right order ;-)
HerwigB: It only must be first if it is empty, in case it has a value it also may be later.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Silvan Scherrer, 15 years ago

Milestone: Netdrive plugin 1.6 alpha

comment:2 by Silvan Scherrer, 14 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

works as degigned.
parameter have to be in form of: [;name=value[...]]

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