Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (100 - 102 of 344)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#161 invalid %post scriptlet can't fork (info-5.2-2.oc00.pentium4) Lewis Rosenthal

Installing info-5.2-2.oc00.pentium4 (all other packages up to date as of this report), I get:

  Installing : info-5.2-2.oc00.pentium4                                     1/1

LIBC fork: Child aborting fork()! rc=0xfffffffc
pid=0x0476 ppid=0x0475 tid=0x0001 slot=0x00dc pri=0x0200 mc=0x0000 ps=0x0010
LIBC066 0:00001e28
cs:eip=005b:1d271e28      ss:esp=0053:0012cf2c      ebp=0012cf34
 ds=0053      es=0053      fs=150b      gs=0000     efl=00010212
eax=00000040 ebx=7cde1980 ecx=15040000 edx=00000018 edi=00000000 esi=15040000
Process dumping was disabled, use DUMPPROC / PROCDUMP to enable it.
Non-fatal POSTIN scriptlet failure in rpm package info-5.2-2.oc00.pentium4
error: Couldn't fork %post(info-5.2-2.oc00.pentium4): Interrupted system call

I haven't looked at the scriptlet (the .spec is not in SVN, here), so I can't say what might be causing the trouble. FWIW, info does seem to install and run correctly (not heavily tested, yet).

#162 fixed libodin requires sed for %post scriptlet, but sed is not listed as dependency of libodin Lewis Rosenthal

I am only discovering this since building the i686 and pentium4 bootstrap packages, which do not include either sed or libodin. Installing libodin without sed throws a bunch of errors apparently from the %post scriptlet, though libodin seems to be installed correctly (and is able to be uninstalled).

Suggest adding sed to list of prerequisites for the package.

sed: not found
sed: not found
sed: not found
sed: not found
mkdir: cannot create directory `': No such file or directory
sed: not found

  libodin.i386 0:0.8.9-1
#163 invalid qt-4.7.3 development environement not usable ak120

Installing all qt-4.7.3 from RPM packages via YUM will result in a non-working development environment. The QT readme mentions thats not existing, so installing also gcc (which is of course 4.9.1) with yum. But when trying to build a small project from *.pro with qmake, make following happens all the time:

ilink.exe: No such file or directory

Then I also installed wl.exe from RPM but nothing changed in behaviour.

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