Custom Query (344 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 344)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#99 Lewis Rosenthal fixed rebuilddb does not replace live database with temporary (fixed) database

I've found:

[c:\]rpm --rebuilddb
error: temporary database /@unixroot/var/lib/rpm.rebuild already exists

Renaming rpm.rebuild and re-running works exactly once, leaving behind the temporary database dir, requiring manual cleanup.

#101 Lewis Rosenthal Lewis Rosenthal fixed Need to update wiki to reflect newer build of bootstrap package

I'm a bit confused concerning the newer bootstrap packages. In the repo directories, I see


I've always been a bit confused regarding the proper arch for OS/2. Do I take the above literally, that if I actually have a Pentium 4 system I should use the p4 wpi and if I have something newer, I should use the i386 wpi?

IAC, we should update the wiki to reflect the newer builds. I'm happy to do that, but I just need some guidance.

#103 Lewis Rosenthal fixed libc-devel 0.6.6 ansidecl.h conflicts with version in binutils-devel 2.21-1

I needed to uninstall binutils-devel in order to upgrade libc-devel:

Transaction Check Error:

file /@unixroot/usr/include/ansidecl.h from install of binutils-devel-2.21-1.o

c00.i386 conflicts with file from package libc-devel-0.6.6-22.oc00.i386

Looks like we need to update binutils-devel (without getting to the libelf vs BFD thing).

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