Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#142 closed defect (worksforme)

QT4-GA setup documentation-- at best, a disaster!

Reported by: klipp Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: Qt Enhanced
Component: General Version: 4.5.1 GA
Severity: low Keywords:


Is there any chance you could publish documentation that normal human being's could follow and end up with a working QT4 installation? I use QT4 in Linux all the time but following you're installation procedure for eCS is at best "a disaster"! I've supported you're work financially and would really like to be able to use it in OS2-eCS. I use Paul's build enviorment with GCC-4.4.2, but you're instructions say I also need GCC-3.3.5 (so which gccenv.cmd do I use or does it matter?)

Add the "bin" subdirectory of the directory where you unpacked the QT4 source tree ----- etc makes no sense, I used the .wpi install yet this is listed as part of setting up the enviorment.
Setting up the linker WLINK with gccenv.cmd doesn't work, or probably would if some sensible explanation of how to do it was included.
It would really be nice to know ALL the necessary changes to PATH, LIBPATH and any other changes necessary.

Would it be too much to ask for a "Detailed, step by step set-up procedure" for us less informed "wanna be" OS2-eCS QT4 users to help get us going using QT4? Right now my QT4 setup is so screwed up Qmake no longer functions correctly because of something I've changed trying to make sense out of you're setup procedure.

You've done an OUTSTANDING job of creating QT4 for us OS2 users and our money was well spent paying you for you're work, and if I can ever get QT4 installed and working correctly so that I can get back to porting Linux source code to OS2 I will continue to support you financially.

R.M. Klippstein

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 15 years ago

Mr. Klippstein,

Thank you very much for your financial support and feedback!

Frankly saying, you are the first person having such a big problem with the build environment, though I agree that the instructions do not describe every needed step because they imply some basic knowledge of various build environments.

Anyway, I was going to create a better description for the upcoming release because the GCC 4.4.2 environment setup may be cumbersome even for people who knows how to set up GCC 3.3.5. So now you will be the first who will test it (if you wish).

Now back to your comments. First of all, GCC 3.3.5 is indeed needed -- the GCC 4.4.2 build from Paul does not include the C runtime library (LIBC) and its headers, nor does it include the binutils package that contains the necessary tools such as the GNU assembler and librarian. So, in order to use GCC 4.4.2 you also need the following (besides the GCC 4.4.2 zip itself):

  1. GCC 3.3.5 to take LIBC headers and libraries from.
  2. binutils 2.19.1 (the ones that come with GCC 3.3.5 are not fully compatible with GCC 4.4.2).

All this mentioned in the current version of README.OS2 except the details about what gccenv.cmd to use. The thing is that neither the one included in GCC 3.3.5 nor the one from GCC 4.4.2 will work with Qt: the former doesn't know about GCC 4.4.2 while the latter contains some tiny bugs that break the Qt build (I was hoping that people will figure that out on their own). Now, I will mention this in READE as well and provide a link to a fixed version of gccenv.cmd.

Regarding adding the "bin" subdirectory to PATH, you are right: it's not required for the WPI installation. You should use the supplied Qt environment script (QtEnv.cmd) instead that will do that for you. I will fix the README, thank you for noticing this.

Regarding WLINK. It's not clear for me what you mean by "doesn't work" so I can't comment it. If you describe in detail what exactly doesn't work, I will be able to help.

Regarding the qmake problem, it's the same: too few details to understand what's wrong. It may be a previous Qt installation interfering with the new installation or something else. Please provide all relevant information including commands that you issue and messages you get back from the system and I will look at it.

Later, I will post a new version of SETTING UP THE ENVIRONMENT to this defect to let you check it.

comment:2 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 15 years ago

There are actually too many details regarding the GCC 4.4.2 installation. Instead of describing them all in the Qt README I will simply provide a single ZIP that contains all tools packed together.

comment:3 by Silvan Scherrer, 15 years ago

to setup WLINK as the linker you need to add:
to your build env script.

or call GCCENV.CMD with gccenv.cmd ' ' 'WLINK'

if you installed Qt4 GA over a previous installation search for qt.conf. if you find one of these delete it.

comment:4 by Dmitry A. Kuminov, 15 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

Please check the new 4.6.2 release. I now provide a complete GCC422 environment which is easy to set up (see README.OS2 from the 4.6.2 release for the download link and other details -- please read the "REQUIREMENTS" and "SETTING UP THE ENVIRONMENT" sections carefully, they should contain everything you need to know).

Feel free to reopen this bug if you are still not satisfied.

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