Custom Query (301 matches)


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Results (151 - 153 of 301)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#157 fixed Examples and Demos will not launch. David McKenna

Any attempt to launch a demo in the new QT 4.6.2 (everything installed: dev, doc, examples, lib) results in an error : Could not launch the example. Ensure that it has been built.

Also, no descriptions appear on the page. There is a notice: "Could not load description. Ensure that the documentation for QT is built."

Clicking on 'Documentation' results in an error "Could not start QT Assistant"

#158 fixed No Help in QT Designer or Linguist David McKenna

When trying to get help documentation in the new 4.6.2 version of QT Designer or QT Linguist (by hitting F1 or from the 'Help' dropdown)an error message appears: "The binary 'C:/ECS/DLL/qt/bin\assistant.exe' does not exist". This is probably because that is not where assistant.exe was installed by the default WarpIn? installation directories (all defaults were used for all components - dev, doc, examples, lib on eCS 2.0 rc7).

#159 fixed DIVE modes crash on 24bit (BGR3) screen surface rudi

Testing the new QWindowSurfaces on an ATI Rage128 (SNAP forced to 24bit color depth) causes a crash. Actually there are two problems that lead to this:

1.) Direct frame buffer mode is not enabled.

Fix: Change line 770 in qwindowsurface_pm.cpp to:

FOURCC bestBufFormat = fourccScreenToBuffer(diveCaps.fccColorEncoding, diveUseFB);

and redetermine d->setup.fccSrcColorFormat in the constructor of QPMDiveWindowSurfaceFB (the parent class calls fourccScreenToBuffer() with isFB = false).

I suggest to remove the default value for "isFB" from fourccScreenToBuffer(), so that it's easier to see what is wanted when using this function. Also Q_UNUSED(isFB); can be removed.

After applying this change, direct frame buffer mode works. For performance test results see ticket #101.

2.) DIVE blit mode doesn't work

QT_PM_DIVE=BLIT still crashes on that particular setup. This appears to be a DIVE bug. The crash occurs in DiveBlitImage? (RGB3 -> BGR3) and looks very similar to our attempts to use 32bit source buffers. I have not found an easy fix for that - can Qt be forced to use an BGR3 surface instead of RGB3 ?

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.