Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#164 closed defect (wontfix)

sh.exe strip out \ ( or / ) and "cannot create nul:"

Reported by: jep Owned by:
Priority: Feedback pending Milestone:
Component: dash Version:
Severity: high Keywords: sh.exe, initdb, PostgreSQL


initdb.exe from PostgreSQL apparently use sh.exe internally to initialize a new database structure.

Command line: initdb -E UTF8 -D D:/NLSTeam
Has worked in the past.

OS: ArcaOS 5

Version: PostgreSQL 8.2.5 b2
sh.exe: 1: cannot create nul:: Directory nonexistent
fgets failure: No such file or directory
The program "postgres" is needed by initdb but was not found in the
same directory as "D:/Programs/postgres/bin/initdb".
Check your installation.
Couldn't initalize database

Version: PostgreSQL 9.1.7
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres".
This user must also own the server process.

The database cluster will be initialized with locale sv_SE.IBM-850.
could not determine encoding for locale "sv_SE.IBM-850": codeset is "IBM-850"
could not determine encoding for locale "sv_SE.IBM-850": codeset is "IBM-850"
The default text search configuration will be set to "swedish".

creating directory D:/NLSTeam ... ok
creating subdirectories ... ok
selecting default max_connections ... sh.exe: 1: cannot open nul:: No such file
sh.exe: 1: D:Programspgsqlbinpostgres.exe: not found
sh.exe: 1: cannot open nul:: No such file
sh.exe: 1: D:Programspgsqlbinpostgres.exe: not found
sh.exe: 1: cannot open nul:: No such file
sh.exe: 1: D:Programspgsqlbinpostgres.exe: not found
sh.exe: 1: cannot open nul:: No such file
sh.exe: 1: D:Programspgsqlbinpostgres.exe: not found
sh.exe: 1: cannot open nul:: No such file
sh.exe: 1: D:Programspgsqlbinpostgres.exe: not found
sh.exe: 1: cannot open nul:: No such file
sh.exe: 1: D:Programspgsqlbinpostgres.exe: not found
selecting default shared_buffers ... sh.exe: 1: cannot open nul:: No such file
sh.exe: 1: D:Programspgsqlbinpostgres.exe: not found
sh.exe: 1: cannot open nul:: No such file
sh.exe: 1: D:Programspgsqlbinpostgres.exe: not found
sh.exe: 1: cannot open nul:: No such file
sh.exe: 1: D:Programspgsqlbinpostgres.exe: not found
sh.exe: 1: cannot open nul:: No such file
sh.exe: 1: D:Programspgsqlbinpostgres.exe: not found
sh.exe: 1: cannot open nul:: No such file
sh.exe: 1: D:Programspgsqlbinpostgres.exe: not found
sh.exe: 1: cannot open nul:: No such file
sh.exe: 1: D:Programspgsqlbinpostgres.exe: not found
sh.exe: 1: cannot open nul:: No such file
sh.exe: 1: D:Programspgsqlbinpostgres.exe: not found
sh.exe: 1: cannot open nul:: No such file
sh.exe: 1: D:Programspgsqlbinpostgres.exe: not found
sh.exe: 1: cannot open nul:: No such file
sh.exe: 1: D:Programspgsqlbinpostgres.exe: not found
sh.exe: 1: cannot open nul:: No such file
sh.exe: 1: D:Programspgsqlbinpostgres.exe: not found
sh.exe: 1: cannot open nul:: No such file
sh.exe: 1: D:Programspgsqlbinpostgres.exe: not found
sh.exe: 1: cannot open nul:: No such file
sh.exe: 1: D:Programspgsqlbinpostgres.exe: not found
sh.exe: 1: cannot open nul:: No such file
sh.exe: 1: D:Programspgsqlbinpostgres.exe: not found
sh.exe: 1: cannot open nul:: No such file
sh.exe: 1: D:Programspgsqlbinpostgres.exe: not found
sh.exe: 1: cannot open nul:: No such file
sh.exe: 1: D:Programspgsqlbinpostgres.exe: not found
sh.exe: 1: cannot open nul:: No such file
sh.exe: 1: D:Programspgsqlbinpostgres.exe: not found
sh.exe: 1: cannot open nul:: No such file
sh.exe: 1: D:Programspgsqlbinpostgres.exe: not found
creating configuration files ... ok
creating template1 database in D:/NLSTeam/base/1 ... sh.exe: 1: D:Programspgsqlb
inpostgres.exe: not found
child process exited with exit code 127
initdb: removing data directory "D:/NLSTeam"
The process has stopped. The software diagnostic
code (exception code) is 0005.
Couldn't initalize database

Change History (4)

comment:1 by jep, 8 years ago

Component: shelldash

comment:2 by jep, 8 years ago

Severity: mediumhigh

Had a copy of the database and tried to start the engine, but pg_ctl.exe can't run either as it also depend on sh.exe

comment:3 by Silvan Scherrer, 8 years ago

Priority: blockerFeedack pending

I would write to the postgreSQL maintainer direct. As I don't see any code of it at netlabs.

comment:4 by Silvan Scherrer, 8 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

This is not sh issue per se. As sh works as it should. I bet it's s porting issue or such.

One thing you could try is to unset the current SHELL env value. Either by SET SHELL= or SET SHELL=cmd.exe and start the installation again on this session.

I close this issue, as we don't host postgreSQL here.

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