Custom Query (5 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#344 FOC doesn't show all .bmp files when show supported files is selected defect major UI
#331 Inability to load PDF plugin leads to inability to start Lucide defect minor 1.4.1 Lucide Core
#338 Thumbnails: value of the cbValue field of the FEA2 structure is set incorrectly defect minor 1.4.1 Backend
#346 Lucide release 1.4.0 GA causes the RC3 PDF plug-in to stop working. defect major 1.4.0 Plugin: PDF
#347 Lucide release 1.4.0 GA crashes if more than single instance started Gregg Young defect major 1.4.0 Lucide Core
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.