Opened 19 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#89 closed enhancement (fixed)

emxomfld: Support wlink (the watcom linker)

Reported by: bird Owned by: bird
Priority: normal Milestone: libc-0.6.2
Component: emx Version: 0.6
Severity: normal Keywords: emxomfld wlink


Since wlink is pretty much the only OMF linker on OS/2 for which we've got source code access, it makes a lot of sense to support it since all the ilink and link386 versions have various "features" which sometimes makes them completely useless.

wlink doesn't (yet) support our debug info format (HLL), adding support for this can be done later.

Change History (7)

comment:1 by bird, 19 years ago

I've done the initial coding, but watch out for bugs. (btw. it's on trunk, not the branch.)

comment:2 by bird, 19 years ago

Status: newassigned

I'm getting somewhere with the linker and HLL (v4). Most of the stuff is linked correctly in the helloworld.c example, except for publics which are missing. Publics aren't difficult, just have to adjust and enable the CV code to do HLL. After that I guess the changes should have a critical review, and there are some odd cases (HLL v3 and v6, and older code view) and the fixmes/todos that needs addressing.

comment:3 by bird, 19 years ago

Fixed the publics.

Now, we've got a problem with exporting weak symbols - i.e. wlink doesn't like exporting alises or something... Will look at it later 'today'.

comment:4 by bird, 19 years ago

Milestone: libc-0.7libc-0.6.2

In order to test this properly, I will backport it to 0.6, thought in 0.6 the default linker will still be ilink 5.

comment:5 by bird, 19 years ago

(In [2815]) Support wlink as an alternative to ilink and link386. backported from the trunk with buildsystem adjustments. see #89.

comment:6 by bird, 19 years ago

(In [2816]) Support wlink as an alternative to ilink and link386. backported from the trunk with buildsystem adjustments. see #89.

comment:7 by bird, 18 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

The HLL patch part of this defect is separated into #156 so I can close this one for the 0.6.2 release.

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