Custom Query (17 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#171 Use POPUPLOG.OS2 mechanism in newer libc bird defect normal libc-backend
#190 Libc path rewriting is not working for fork()ed processes bird defect normal libc-0.6.5 libc-backend
#206 the NDFS32 file system can handle EAs, at least with SMB plugin bird defect normal libc-0.6.4 libc-backend
#217 LIBC Error: Couldn't register process in shared memory! bird defect normal libc-backend
#5 @response handling incomplete bird defect normal libc
#126 LIBC: Provide binary runtime WPI archives bird enhancement normal libc
#131 fork() failed, when BSS segment is too big bird defect normal libc-0.6.2 libc
#164 execv() doesn't stop the original program bird defect normal libc
#208 Remark 'todo' stuffs in 'time.h' bird defect normal libc
#296 Add SIGFPE handler to all threads defect normal libc-0.6.6 libc
#302 setmode() behavior enhancement low libc-0.7 libc
#387 Fix a prototype of putenv() defect normal new libc
#29 Seriously odd g++ error trying to include os2emx.h from os2.h bird defect normal libc-0.6.4 gcc
#318 -static problem defect normal libc-0.7 gcc
#188 Cannot debug long C files bird defect normal libc-0.6.5 emx
#322 Support SINGLE SHARED attributes of DATA defect normal libc-0.7 emx
#246 Outdated Information about file handles bird defect normal baselayout
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