Custom Query (11 matches)


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Status: closed (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#206 the NDFS32 file system can handle EAs, at least with SMB plugin bird defect normal 0.6.2 normal
#198 libc: utimes doesn't handle dates prior to 1980 in a good manner bird defect normal normal
#178 libc: symlinked hash-bang scripts aren't handled correctly in __spawnve bird defect normal 0.6 blocker
#200 libc: stat on symlink returns garbage bird defect normal 0.6.2 normal
#195 libc: spawning is very slow bird defect normal 0.6.1 critical
#181 libc: dlopen doesn't resolve paths before passing it on to OS/2 bird defect normal 0.6 normal
#43 libc: Runtime configuration of where to use UnixEAs bird defect normal 0.6 normal
#202 libc gid setting is calling wrong backend function bird defect normal normal
#197 isatty() doesn't return zero for named pipe handle bird defect normal normal
#224 chroot breaks /@unixroot rewrite bird defect normal 0.6.2 normal
#238 Exception handler not working in forked child bird defect normal normal
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