Custom Query (172 matches)


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Results (169 - 171 of 172)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#221 duplicate Error opening subsidiary window under jdk6 taf

I'm upgrading from java 1.4 to java 6 using OpenJDK6. I run a Java email package PolarBar?. I can start the application, navigate mail folders, download mail, but when I open an email, the program starts a new window. The window frame and controls (min,max buttons, close button, titlebar icon) are present and function, but the area where the note's text should be displayed is empty (it's actually the image of whatever is behind the new window).

I noticed an entry in the change log mentioning that problems with swing text windows had been fixed -- I'm wondering if I've missed out a part of the install? I downloaded and unzipped:

#222 invalid Indirect specification of Java parameter lists taf

I'm upgrading from Java 1.4 to Java 6 by way of OpenJDK6. It seems that use of environmental variables (like CLASSPATH) is now discouraged by the Java community and that command line options are to be used instead. In trying to accomplish this, I've run into some platform limitations: the command line on ECS 2.0 seems to be limited to approx. 256 characters. This is not enough to specify the complete classpath needed in some cases (TCPIP configuration notebook in particular).

Some implementations of the JVM allowed the launcher's (JAVA.EXE) to be specified indirectly:

java.exe -cp @classpathfile classtorun

where the @ character identified a file containing a list of classpath elements.

Is such a facility available for the ECS implementation of OpenJDK6? (I've looked in the doc but haven't found anything so far).

#233 duplicate IcedTeaWeb plugin 1.3 Beta fails to work -was ticket #212 losepete

I see you have closed #212 due to lack of feedback.

What feedback do you want?

Yes, all required software was in place.

There does not seem to have been any updates to the plugin ergo No Feedback needed.

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