Custom Query (172 matches)


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Results (145 - 147 of 172)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#164 Anchieri fixed Problem in LVMGUI with openjdk.b24GA2

After installing your last GA2 version of OpenJdk? I have tested LVMGUI. The program function almost fine, but the bar menu is not drew (is lack name of menu item). Pointing the mouse over a menu item is possible to view its own Pull Down Menu and use it. I attach a jpg file with the view of LVMGUI window without the bar menu.

#168 Gabriele Gamba invalid SmartCVS doesn't support OpenJDK

E:\programs\openjdk6\bin\JAVA.EXE -jar C:\PROGRAMS\smartcvs-7_1_6\LIB\smartcvs.jar An incompatible Java version has been detected which has been reported to cause strange bugs. Aborting now.

This is in fact officially stated: "... beta version of OpenJDK [is] not sufficient"

On the other side, it works fine with Java 1.4.

#216 Lewis Rosenthal invalid INI file corruption after running Java app (JavaRDP) for extended period

Likely due to memory fragmentation. I know that the condition is triggered by running JavaRDP for extended periods along with my other mix of apps.

The symptom is that after JavaRDP has been running for several hours, even if SeaMonkey? has been shutdown and restarted a few times, shutting down gets me all the way to the point where the desktop closes, and then I get a message that changes could not be saved to the INI files, and a prompt (by XWorkplace) to restart the desktop and use the standard shutdown routine. This never works, as invariably, the files cannot be written.

A reboot (even when not saving the files) generally results in either irreparable desktop damage (broken folder positions, file handles, etc.) or the system cannot even locate the desktop directory (even with SET DESKTOP set in CONFIG.SYS and valid EAs on the desktop directory). In these cases, a restore from an archive is the only recovery.

Please let me know what I can provide (some utility to track the fragmentation? Theseus output?) or perhaps what memory setting I might try when starting the JVM to avoid the situation. This seems to have started around GA4, but possibly earlier.

VIRTUALADDRESSLIMIT is set at 1576, but I have tried higher values with no discernable change.

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