Custom Query (38 matches)


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Status: accepted (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#72 Fix colon handling in IPF macros Alfredo Fernández Díaz defect minor Configuration Release_1.0
#85 Wis file highlighting needs to be improved Alfredo Fernández Díaz defect minor Configuration Release_1.0

Status: assigned (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#19 Develop EPM user interface enhancement minor Configuration PreRelease_1.0
#21 Give the option for eftepm to inherit the system color scheme using COLORS_OS2_SYSTEM_DEFAULT enhancement minor eFTEPM PreRelease_1.0
#29 Help file needs expanding enhancement minor Documentation PreRelease_1.0
#30 Configuration needs a gui enhancement minor Configuration PreRelease_1.0
#31 Add ability to reload configuration without restarting enhancement minor eFTE core PreRelease_1.0
#32 Add a tutorial to the wiki enhancement minor Documentation PreRelease_1.0
#44 Research adding Aspell to eFTE/2 Alfredo Fernández Díaz enhancement minor eFTE core PreRelease_1.0

Status: closed (27 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#75 Crash when starting, only short flash of window Gregg Young defect critical eFTEPM Release_1.0
#78 Regular expression engine won't properly match beginning of lines Gregg Young defect major eFTE core Release_1.0
#79 Dead keys produce diacritic character output (diacritic+combined characters, instead of combined only) in PM version Alfredo Fernández Díaz defect major eFTEPM Release_1.0
#87 Cascading trap on exit Gregg Young defect major eFTEPM Release_1.0
#2 Rewrite owconvert so it can convert inc to mif or mif to inc based on the file extension of the source file. Gregg Young enhancement minor Build system PreRelease_1.0
#6 Text mode is broken in that it doesn't honor line breaks Alfredo Fernández Díaz defect minor eFTE core PreRelease_1.0
#20 Develop AE editor user interface enhancement minor Configuration PreRelease_1.0
#40 When opening some help file with certain keywords newview will crash Gregg Young defect minor Other PreRelease_1.0
#41 Trap in PMMERGE.DLL on starting external program which appears to be caused by estlrl11.dll Gregg Young defect minor Other PreRelease_1.0
#43 Move external command lines (i.e. grep -n -I) to mymain for easy editing Gregg Young task minor Configuration PreRelease_1.0
#52 History is not consistently saved (perhaps not saved when close button is used) Gregg Young defect minor eFTEPM PreRelease_1.0
#53 Regular expressions 0[xX]?[0-9a-fA-F]+ and [0-9a-fA-F]+ don't find hex numbers that start with letters defect minor Configuration PreRelease_1.0
#58 Update make file to include warnall, release, help and distro targets Gregg Young task minor Build system PreRelease_1.0
#59 Move the inf file lists for the help menus to mymaiin Gregg Young enhancement minor Configuration PreRelease_1.0
#67 File on command line is not loaded when --Debug<Clean> is also on the line defect minor eFTE core PreRelease_1.0
#69 Add ability to select Font enhancement minor eFTE core Release_1.0
#70 MakeBackups and KeepBackups in m_plain.fte appear to do the same thing Gregg Young task minor eFTE core Release_1.0
#71 including or oincluding a file in itself results in a stack overflow (infinite loop) Gregg Young defect minor eFTE core Release_1.0
#73 Horizontal scroll bar stops at column 1025 Gregg Young enhancement minor eFTE core Release_1.0
#76 Mouse button 3 xworkplace drag scrolling Alfredo Fernández Díaz enhancement minor eFTEPM Release_1.0
#77 Add kbuild highlighting to eFTE Gregg Young enhancement minor Configuration Release_1.0
#80 Pressing F1 on dialogs kills eFTE PM defect minor eFTEPM Release_1.0
#82 Configure files are no longer found using paths relative to the path of the file they are included from Gregg Young defect minor eFTE core Release_1.0
#84 Counter-intuitive double key press needed to input diacritic characters (instead of regular diacritic+space key combination) Alfredo Fernández Díaz defect minor eFTEPM
#86 Need to move mystrings.fte from the #2 warpin package to the #3 warpin pakage after the next release Gregg Young task minor Installer Release_1.0
#81 Counter-intuitive PM toolbar 'Exit' button looks like 'Open' Alfredo Fernández Díaz enhancement trivial eFTEPM Release_1.0
#83 LxLite usage enhancement trivial Build system Release_1.0

Status: new (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#60 Add make and open diff file to tools enhancement minor eFTE core PreRelease_1.0
#74 eFTE simply vanishes when a grep search has a very large number of hits. defect minor eFTE core Release_1.0
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