Opened 10 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#25 closed task (fixed)

Use of CUPS 2.0

Reported by: Anchieri Owned by:
Priority: Feedback Pending Milestone:
Component: cups Version: 2.0
Severity: medium Keywords:


I have installed the Paul Smedley port of CUPS v. 2.0 (file: of 9391616 byte dated 1-19-15 10:12a) with HPLIP file, that I have installed under v. 148, and give a try to test it, but I receive the msg that I attach at this bug. I use ghostscript v. 8,71 as in v. 148. I use by now v. 148 that function in most case well for me, my printer is a HP PSC 1610 All in One that use HPLIP and now I'm willing to use v. 200, do you can aid me to achieve this goal? I thank you in advance for your help, G.M. Anchieri

Attachments (4)

cups01.jpg (62.0 KB ) - added by Anchieri 10 years ago. (55.5 KB ) - added by Anchieri 10 years ago.
test-page.jpg (66.9 KB ) - added by Anchieri 10 years ago. (20.8 KB ) - added by Anchieri 10 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (20)

by Anchieri, 10 years ago

Attachment: cups01.jpg added

comment:1 by losepete, 10 years ago


I think that you need to use gs9.15 with cups2.0 - works for me.

You also need to make sure that you have all required support files installed. A possibly incomplete list is here,631.0.html



comment:2 by Anchieri, 10 years ago

Hi Pete, I have executed all the steps that is stated on topic.631.0.html, and now I receive this message printing the test page: loadFile failed: "temp file: not a PDF file" on the printer page I have the message: Idle - "Can't detect file type" if I reprint the job I receive the message; Filter failed

Regards Anchieri

comment:3 by Anchieri, 10 years ago

Hi to all, I have added a log file with this error, is anyone able to understand the log and give me a solution?. Thank you in advance for your tip. G.M. Anchieri

by Anchieri, 10 years ago

Attachment: added

comment:4 by Anchieri, 10 years ago

Please, after other investigation I have noted that in dir: H:\CUPS\VAR\SPOOL\TEMP exist many file with a random name without suffix, I have added a ".PDF" suffix to one of it and I try to view it with lucide, and what I view is that is on test-page.img attached image. I think that the msg: can't load temp file and the other can't detect file type is due to this lack off suffix in this spool temp file. It is possible to resolve this bug inserting this suffix to temp file created by cups? Do anyone of you able to resolve this ticket? Thank for your work on this ticket G.M. Anchieri

by Anchieri, 10 years ago

Attachment: test-page.jpg added

comment:5 by David McKenna, 10 years ago

I looked at your error log and right at the top it says the USB backend is not working. I was never able to get the USB backend working with the CUPS 2.0 version, but could use this version:

Replace your current usb.exe with this one and try again. I only tested printing the test page (don't use usb normally) so not sure how stable it is.

Last edited 10 years ago by David McKenna (previous) (diff)

comment:6 by Anchieri, 10 years ago

I have replaced the usb.exe file with one in previous comment *.zip file, but after a week of try, I have obtained only two test-page printed, the msg error are always almost the same: filter filed, or can't detect file type or temp file: not a pdf file etc. I realized that the problem is usb.exe file of cups 200, or some parameter not sent to usb.exe.

comment:7 by David McKenna, 10 years ago

Looking at the error log again, it seems the filter 'hpcups' is also failing. This is part of the HPLIP package and I see you are using 3.12.10. You might want to try 3.14.3 here: This is the one I use with no trouble. Maybe it is needed for CUPS 2.0? It is strange 3.12.10 sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. If you decide to try 3.14.3, I would recommend deleting \CUPS and \HPLIP directories, and installing CUPS 2.0, CUPS-Filters 1.0.61, and HPLIP 3.14.3 from scratch, along with the USB file I mentioned above, just to be sure there is nothing left over from old installs. Change the 'pstopdf' file and create the symlink per the instructions for CUPS-filters. I also add C:\cups\lib to my LIBPATH and make a copy of cups20.dll to cups.dll in the same directory (for use by QT apps). Also copy lpr.exe to C:\TCPIP\BIN\cupslpr.exe (for the eCUPS or hpCUPS spooler).

Last edited 10 years ago by David McKenna (previous) (diff)

comment:8 by David McKenna, 10 years ago

Something I just found today... Both the 'CUPS' package and the 'CUPS-filters' package have a 'testprint' file (the one printed when you print a test page), but they are different. Only the one in CUPS-filters works. If you try to use the one in CUPS, you will get errors like you mentioned. Make sure to unzip CUPS-filters AFTER CUPS to get the correct 'testprint' file.

comment:9 by Anchieri, 10 years ago

I have installed the new version 2.0.3 with filter 1.0.71 + + + + in bin dir egrep.exe + fgrp.exe + grep.exe + mktemp.exe + printf.exe + rm.exe + in sbin dir cupsash.exe copied also as sh.exe. I use gs 9.15 and pointed this in file: h:\cups\etc\foomatic\filter.conf gspath: /gs/gs9.15/bin/gsos2. Printing a test page the result is in attached, the test page don't come out.

by Anchieri, 10 years ago

Attachment: added

comment:10 by David McKenna, 10 years ago

Did you follow the instructions in CUPS-filters and update pstopdf to point at your Ghostscript installation as well as create a symlink to gsos2.exe?

comment:11 by David McKenna, 10 years ago

One thing I just realized from looking at your error log.... it looks like you might have Ghostscript on a different drive than CUPS. I think they need to be on the same drive (because of the symlink). Try installing Ghostscript on the same drive as CUPS and edit pstopdf to point there and re-create the symlink.

Last edited 10 years ago by David McKenna (previous) (diff)

comment:12 by Anchieri, 9 years ago

I have cups and gs on H: drive and pstopdf contain this two line:

PS2PS=/gs/gs9.15/lib/ps2ps GS=/gs/gs9.15/bin/gsos2.exe and h:\cups\bin\gs contain this string: /gs/gs9.15/bin/gsos2.exe this is a piece of H: dir


Thank you Dave. I think this is a HPLIP problem.

comment:13 by Anchieri, 9 years ago

To all hungry to resolve this ticket After many test I was able to print using QPDFVIEW but not from LUCIDE. I want to print from PMVIEW an image and in log file I have this line:

[Job 50] 4 filters for job:
D [22/Aug/2015:12:36:28 -0100] [Job 50] pstopdf (application/postscript to application/pdf, cost 0)
D [22/Aug/2015:12:36:28 -0100] [Job 50] pdftopdf.exe (application/pdf to application/vnd.cups-pdf, cost 66)
D [22/Aug/2015:12:36:28 -0100] [Job 50] gstoraster.exe (application/vnd.cups-pdf to application/vnd.cups-raster, cost 99)
D [22/Aug/2015:12:36:28 -0100] [Job 50] hpcups (application/vnd.cups-raster to printer/HPPSC1610, cost 0)

I [22/Aug/2015:12:36:28 -0100] [Job 50] Started filter /cups/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf (PID 1080)

error occurs with this two lines:
d [22/Aug/2015:12:36:31 -0100] cupsdFinishProcess(pid=1080, name=0x84f6fc, namelen=1024, job_id=0x84f6f8(50)) = "/cups/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf"
D [22/Aug/2015:12:36:31 -0100] [Job 50] PID 1080 (/cups/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf) stopped with status 127 (File too large)

Why this message?, It's a bug in PSTOPDF.exe filter?

Please has anyone of you able to analize this error?.

comment:14 by diver, 7 years ago

Priority: majorFeedback Pending

is this still an issue with latest cups?

comment:15 by diver, 7 years ago

Milestone: Proof of concept

Ticket retargeted after milestone closed

comment:16 by diver, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

no feedback, so closing the issue. If you still have cups issues please open a ticket at

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